Splitting up strings in C source code.

When printing out multiple lines of text in C, it is common to see code like this:

printf ("+--------------------+\n");
printf ("| Welcome to my BBS! |\n");
printf ("+--------------------+\n");
printf ("| C)hat    G)oodbye  |\n");
printf ("| E)mail   H)elp     |\n");
printf ("+--------------------+\n");

That looks okay, but is calling a function for each line. You could just as easily combine multiple lines and embed the “\n” new line escape code in one long string.

printf ("+--------------------+\n| Welcome to my BBS! |\n+--------------------+\n| C)hat    G)oodbye  |\n| E)mail   H)elp     |\n+--------------------+\n");

Not only does it make the code a bit smaller (no overhead of making the printf call multiple times), it should be a bit faster since it removes the overhead of going in and out of a function.

But man is that ugly.

At some point, I learned about the automatic string concatenation that the C preprocessor (?) does. That allows you to break up quoted lines like this:

const char *message = "This is a very long message that is too wide for "
    "my source code editor so I split it up into separate lines.\n";

“Back in the day” if you had C code that went to the next line, you were supposed to put a \ at the end of the line.

if ((something == true) && \
    (somethingElse == false) && \
    (somethingCompletelyDifferent == banana))

…but modern compilers do not seem to care about source code line length, so you can usually do this:

printf ("+--------------------+\n"
        "| Welcome to my BBS! |\n"
        "| C)hat    G)oodbye  |\n"
        "| E)mail   H)elp     |\n"

That looks odd if you aren’t aware of it, but makes for efficient code that is easy to read.

However, not all compilers are created equally. A previous job used a compiler that did not allow constant strings any longer than 80 characters! If you did something like this, it would not compile:

printf ("12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890x");

I had to contact their support to have them explain the weird error it gave me. On that compiler, trying to do this would also fail:

printf ("1234567890"

But that is not important to the story. I just mention it to explain that my background as an embedded C programmer has me limited, often, by sub-standard C compilers that do not support all the greatness you might get on a PC/Mac compiler.

These days, I tend to break all my multi-line prints up like that, so the source code resembles the output:

printf ("This is the first line.\n"
        "And we skipped a line above and below.\n"
        "The end.\n");

I know that may look odd, but it visually indicates that there will be a skipped line between those lines of text, where this does not:

printf ("This is the first line.\n\n"
        "And we skipped a line above and below.\n\n"
        "The end.\n");

Do any of you do this?

And, while today any monitor will display more than 80 columns, printers still default to this 80 column text. Sure, you can downsize the font (but the older I get, the less I want to read small print). Some coding standards I have worked under want source code lines to be under 80 characters, which does make doing a printout code review much easier.

And this led me to breaking up long lines like this…

printf ("This is a very long line that is too long for our"
        "80 character printout\n");

That code would print one line of text, but the source is short enough to fit within the 80 column width preferred by that coding standard.

And here is why I hate it…

I have split lines up like this in the past, and created issues when I later tried to find where in the code some message was generated. For example, if I wanted to find “This is a very long line that is too long for our 80 character printout” and searched for that full string, it would not show up. It does not exist in the source code. It has a break in between.

Even searching for “our 80 character” would not be found due to this.

And that’s the downside of what I just presented, and why you may not want to do it that way.

Thank you for coming to my presentation.

Fantastic C buffers and where to find them.

In my early days of learning C on the Microware OS-9 C compiler running on a Radio Shack Color Computer, I learned about buffers.

char buffer[80];

I recall writing a “line input” routine back then which was based on one I had written in BASIC and then later BASIC09 (for OS-9).

Thirty-plus years later, I find I still end up creating that code again for various projects. Here is a line input routine I wrote for an Arduino project some years ago:

LEDSign/LineInput.ino at master · allenhuffman/LEDSign (github.com)

Or this version, ported to run on a PIC24 using the CCS compiler:


That routine looks like this:

byte lineInput(char *buffer, size_t bufsize);

In my code, I could have an input buffer, and call that function to let the user type stuff in to it:

char buffer[80];

len = lineInput (buffer, 80); // 80 is max buffer size

Though, when I first learned this, I was always passing in the address of the buffer, like this:

len = lineInput (&buffer, 80); // 80 is max buffer size

Both work and produce the same memory location. Meanwhile, for other variable types, it is quite different:

int x;

function (x);
function (&x);

I think this may be why one of my former employers had a coding standard that specified passing buffers like this:

len = lineInput (&buffer[0], 80); // 80 is max buffer size

By writing it out as “&buffer[0]” you can read it as “the address of the first byte in this buffer. And that does seem much more clear than “buffer” of “&buffer”. Without more context, these don’t tell you what you need to know:

process (&in);
process (in);

Without looking up what “in” is, we might assume it is some numeric type. The first version passes the address in, so it can be modified, while the second version passes the value in, so if it is modified by the function, it won’t affect the variable outside of that function.

But had I seen…

process (&in[0]);

…I would immediately think that “in” is some kind of array of objects – char? int? floats? – and whatever they were, the function was getting the address of where that array was located in memory.

So thank you, C, for giving us multiple ways to do the same thing — and requiring programmers to know that these are all the same:

#include <stdio.h>

void showAddress (void *ptr)
    printf ("ptr = %p\n", ptr);

int main()
    char buffer[80];
    showAddress (buffer);
    showAddress (&buffer);
    showAddress (&buffer[0]);

    return 0;

How do you handle buffers? What is your favorite?

Comments welcome…

C escape codes

Now maybe someone here can tell me if this makes any sense:

#define SOME_NAME "SomeName\0"

I ran across something like this in my day job and wondered what the purpose of adding a “\0” zero byte was to the end of the string. C already does that, doesn’t it?

C escape codes

I learned about using backslash to embed certain codes in strings when I was first learning C on my Radio Shack Color Computer. I was using OS-9/6809 and a pre-ANSI K&R C compiler.

I learned about “\n” at the end of a line, and that may be the only one I knew about back then. (I expect even K&R has “\l” and maybe “\t” too, but I never used them in any of my code back then.)

The wikipedia has a handy reference:

Escape sequences in C – Wikipedia

It lists many I was completely unaware of – like “vertical tab.” I’d have to look up what a vertical tab is, as well ;-)

It was during my “modern” career that I learned you could embed any value in a printf by escaping it with “\x” and a hex value:

int main()
    const char bytes[] = "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05";
    printf ("sizeof(bytes) = %zu\n", sizeof(bytes));

    for (int idx=0; idx<sizeof(bytes); idx++)
        printf ("%02x ", bytes[idx]);
    printf ("\n");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

This code makes a character array containing the bytes 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 and 0x05. A zero follows, added by C to terminate the quoted string. The output looks like:

sizeof(bytes) = 6
01 02 03 04 05 00

I do not know how I learned it, but it was just two jobs ago when I used this to embed a bunch of data in a C program. I believe I was tokenizing some strings to reduce code size, and I had some kind of lookup table of strings, and then the “token” strings of bytes that referred back to the full string. Something like this, except less stupid:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <stdint.h>

const char *words[] =

const uint8_t sentence[] = "\x01\x02\x03\x02\x01\x02";
int main()
    printf ("sizeof(sentence) = %zu\n", sizeof(sentence));

    for (int idx=0; idx<sizeof(sentence)-1; idx++)
        printf ("%s ", words[sentence[idx]-1]);
    printf ("\n");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

In this silly example, I have an array of strings, and then an encoded sentence with bytes representing each word. The encoded bytes will have a 0 at the end, so I use 1 for the first word, and so on, with 0 marking the end of the sequence. But, this example doesn’t actually look for the 0. It just uses the number of bytes in the sentence (minus one, to skip the 0 at the end) via sizeof().

It really should use the 0, so this could be a function. You could pass it the dictionary of words, and the sentence bytes, and let it decode them in a more flexible/modular way:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <stdint.h>

// Dictionary of words
const char *words[] =

// Encoded sentence
const uint8_t sentence[] = "\x01\x02\x03\x02\x01\x02";

// Decoder
void showSentence(const char *words[], const uint8_t sentence[])
    int idx = 0;
    while (sentence[idx] != 0)
        printf ("%s ", words[sentence[idx]-1]);
    printf ("\n");

// Test
int main()
    printf ("sizeof(sentence) = %zu\n", sizeof(sentence));

    showSentence (words, sentence);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

But I digress. My point is — I’m still learning things in C, even after knowing it since the late 1980s.

So back to the original question: What is adding a “\0” to a string doing? This is one advantage of using sizeof() versus strlen(). strlen() will stop at the 0, but sizeof() will tell you everything that is there.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <string.h> // for strlen()

int main()
    const char string[] = "This is a test.\0And so is this.\0And this is also.";

    printf ("strlen(string) = %zu\n", strlen(string));

    printf ("sizeof(string) = %zu\n", sizeof(string));
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The output:

strlen(string) = 15
sizeof(string) = 50

If you try to printf() that string, it will print only up to the first \0. But, there is more “hidden” data after the zero. If you have the sizeof(), that size could be used in a routine to print everything. But why? We can already do string arrays or just embed carriage returns in a string if we wanted to print multiple lines.

But it’s still neat.

Have you ever done something creating with C escape codes? Leave a comment…

Until then…

C strings and pointers and arrays, revisited…

Previously, I posted more of my “stream of consciousness” ramblings ending this bit of code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <string.h> // for strlen()

int main()
    const char *stringPtr = "hello";
    printf ("sizeof(stringPtr) = %ld\n", sizeof(stringPtr));
    printf ("strlen(stringPtr) = %ld\n", strlen(stringPtr));

    printf ("\n");

    const char string[] = "hello";

    printf ("sizeof(string) = %ld\n", sizeof(string));
    printf ("strlen(string) = %ld\n", strlen(string));

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Sean Patrick Conner commented:

I would expect the following:

sizeof(stringPtr) = 8; /* or 4 or 2, depending upon the pointer size */
strlen(stringPtr) = 5;

sizeof(string) = 6; /* because of the NUL byte at the end */
strlen(string) = 5;

– Sean Patrick Conner

Sean sees things much more clearly than I. When I tried it, I was initially puzzled by the output and had to get my old brain to see the obvious. His comments explain it clearly.

These musings led me to learning about “%zu” for printing a size_t, and a few other things, which I have now posted here in other articles.

I learn so much from folks who take time to post a comment.

More to come…

My 360 photo/video (VR) experiments…

I often forget to cross-post things between my project sites, so let’s do that right now.

I bought my first digital camera (an Epson PhotoPC) in 1996. I have had many others since then. In addition to photo cameras, I also had various camcorders including my first digital camcorder in 1999. It recorded digitally to 8mm video tapes (Digital8 was the format, I believe). I have also experimented in 3-D, with a NuView camcorder attachment (what a beast that was) and some other gadgets, and some 360 photography.

For 360 photos, you could originally just use a normal camera and take photos in all directions then “stitch” them together using special software. You can find examples of that in some 2002 photos I took at an Illinois Renaissance festival.

There was an early attempt to do “one shot” 360 photos by using a half mirror ball on a rod, and attaching that to the lens of a camera. You would shoot with the camera pointed up, which captured the mirror ball and all things going on around it. Those images could be processed back to panoramas with special software. I had a gadget called SurroundPhoto I experimented with back around 2005.

In the mid-2010s we started seeing consumer 360 cameras made by companies like Giroptic, RICHO and even Kodak. I have had a variety of those in recent years and am currently using an Insta360 X4.

Sharing 360 photos and videos is not easy. Facebook supports them, and YouTube supports video, so I created some Facebook Groups for sharing photos (I made them groups so others could share theirs’s as well) and new YouTube channels for sharing videos.

If you have ended up on my site for Insta360 topics, maybe you will want to pop by these groups/channels…

VR videos on YouTube:

VR photos on Facebook (post your own there, too):

Until next time…

Yes, Virginia. You CAN printf a size_t! And pointers.

I always learn from comments. Sadly, I don’t mean the comments inside the million lines of code I maintain for my day job — they usually don’t exist ;-)

I have had two previous posts dealing with sizeof() being used on a string constant like this:

#define VERSION "1.0.42-beta"
printf ("sizeof(VERSION) = %d\n", sizeof(VERSION));

Several comments were left to make this more better.

Use %z to print a size_t

The first pointed out that sizeof() is not returning a %d integer:

sizeof does not result in an int, so using %d is not correct.

– F W

Indeed, this code should generate a compiler warning on a good compiler. I would normally cast the sizeof() return value to an int like this:

printf ("sizeof(VERSION) = %d\n", (int)sizeof(VERSION));

BUT, I knew that really wasn’t a solution since that code is not portable. An int might be 16-bits, 32-bits or 64-bits (or more?) depending on the system architecture. I often write test code on a PC using Code::Blocks which uses the GNU-C compiler. On that system, I would need to use “%ld” for a long int. When that code is used on an embedded compiler (such as the CCS compiler for PIC42 chips), I need to make that “%d”.

I just figured printf() pre-dates stuff like that and thus you couldn’t do anything about it.

But now I know there is a proper solution — if you have a compiler that supports it. In the comments again…

… when you want to print a size_t value, using %zu.

– Sean Patrick Conner

Thank you, Sean Patrick Conner! You have now given me new information I will use from now on. I was unaware of %z. I generally use the website www.cplusplus.com to look up C things, and sure enough, on the printf entry it mentions %z — just in a separate box below the one I always look at. I guess I’d never scrolled down.


This old dog just learned some new tricks!

int var = 123;

printf ("sizeof(var) = %zu\n", sizeof(var));

Thank you very much for pointing this out to me. Unfortunately, the embedded compiler I use for my day job does not support any of the new stuff, and only has a sub-set of printf, but the Windows compiler I use for testing does.

Bonus: printing pointers for fun and profit

I’d previously ran in to this when trying to print out a pointer:

int main()
    char *ptr = 0x12345678;
    printf ("ptr = 0x%x\n", ptr);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

A compiler should complain about that, like this:

warning: format ‘%x’ expects argument of type ‘unsigned int’, but argument 2 has type ‘char *’ [-Wformat=]

…so I’d just do a bit of casting, to cast the pointer to what %x expects:

printf ("ptr = 0x%x\n", (unsigned int)ptr);

BUT, that assumes an “int” is a certain size. This casting might work find on a 16-bit Arduino, then need to be changed for a 32-bit or 64-bit PC program.

And, the same needs to be done when trying to assign a number (int) to a char pointer. This corrects both issues, but does so the incorrect way:

int main()
    char *ptr = (char*)0x12345678;

    printf ("ptr = 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long)ptr);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

First, I had to cast the number to be a character pointer, else it would not assign to “char *ptr” without a warning.

Second, since %x expects an “unsigned int”, and pointers on this sytem are long, I had to change the printf to use “%lx” for a long version of %x, and cast the “ptr” itself to be an “unsigned long”.

Had I written this initially on a system that uses 16-bit ints (like Arduino, PIC24, etc.), I would have had to do it differently, casting things to “int” instead of “long.”

This always drove me nuts, and one day I wondered if modern C had a way to deal with this. And, indeed, it does: %p

This was something that my old compilers either didn’t have, or I just never learned. I only discovered this within the past five years at my current job. It solves the problems by handling a “pointer” in whatever size it is for the system the code is compiled on. AND it even includes the “0x” prefix in the output:

int main()
    char *ptr = (char*)0x12345678;

    printf ("ptr = %p\n", ptr);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

I suppose when I found there was a “real” way to print pointers I should have expected there was also a real way to print size_t … but it took you folks to teach me that.

And I thank you.

Until next time…

C strings and pointers and arrays…

In a previous post about using sizeof() on string literals, there was an interesting comment by S. Enevoldsen:

To better remember this realize that arrays are not pointers, and string literals are arrays (that can decay to pointers).

const char arrayVersion[] = “1.0.42-beta”;
const char* pointerString = “1.0.42-beta”;
printf (“sizeof(arrayVersion) = %d\n”, sizeof(arrayVersion));
printf (“sizeof(pointerString) = %d\n”, sizeof(pointerString));


sizeof(arrayVersion) = 12
sizeof(pointerString) = 4

– S. Enevoldsen

If I knew this, I have long forgotten it. Over the years at my “day jobs” I have gotten used to making string pointers like this:

const char *versionStringPtr = "1.0.42-beta";

I generally add the “Ptr” at the end to remind me (or other programmers) that it is a pointer to a string. In my mind, I knew I could have done “char *string” or “char string[]” and gotten the same use from normal code, but I do not recall if I knew they were treated differently.

What do you expect the output of this to be?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <string.h> // for strlen()

int main()
    const char *stringPtr = "hello";
    printf ("sizeof(stringPtr) = %ld\n", sizeof(stringPtr));
    printf ("strlen(stringPtr) = %ld\n", strlen(stringPtr));

    printf ("\n");

    const char string[] = "hello";

    printf ("sizeof(string) = %ld\n", sizeof(string));
    printf ("strlen(string) = %ld\n", strlen(string));

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Output would show … what?

sizeof(stringPtr) = ???
strlen(stringPtr) = ???

sizeof(string) = ???
strlen(string) = ???

To be continued…

In C, you can sizeof() a string constant?


  • 2024-08-27 – Adding a note about strlen()/sizeof() that was mentioned by Dave in the comments.

I am used to using sizeof() to know the size of a structure, or size of a variable…

typedef struct {
   char a;
   short b;
   int c;
   long d;
} MyStruct;

printf ("sizeof(MyStruct) is %d\n", sizeof(MyStruct));

MyStruct foo;
printf ("sizeof(foo) is %d\n", sizeof(foo));

…but every time I re-learn you can use it on strings, I am surprised:

#include <stdio.h>

#define VERSION_STRING __DATE__" "__TIME__

int main()
    printf ("Build: %s\n", VERSION_STRING);

    printf ("sizeof(): %ld\n", sizeof(VERSION_STRING));

    return 0;

Normally, I see strlen() used, and that works for a string that is in a buffer, or a constant string:

#define VERSION_STRING "1.0.42-beta"
const char versionString[] = "1.0.42-beta";

printf ("strlen(VERSION_STRING) = %d\n", strlen(VERSION_STRING));

printf ("strlen(versionString) = %d\n", strlen(versionString));

…but if you know it is a #define string constant, you can use sizeof() and that will be changed in to the hard-coded value that matches the length of that hard-coded string. This will be smaller code, and faster, since strlen() has to scan through the string memory looking for the ‘0’ at the end, counting along the way.

I wonder how many times I have posted about this over the years.

Additional Notes:

In the comments, Dave added:

sizeof a string literal includes the terminating nul character, so it will be strlen +1.

– Dave

Ah, yes – a very good thing to note. C strings have a 0 byte added to the end of them, so “hello” is really “hello\0”. The standard C string functions like strcpy(), strlen(), etc. look for that 0 to know when to stop.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <string.h> // for strlen()

#define STRING "hello"

int main()
    printf ("sizeof(STRING) = %ld\n", sizeof(STRING));
    printf ("strlen(STRING) = %ld\n", strlen(STRING));

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Output would show:

sizeof(STRING) = 6
strlen(STRING) = 5

So if using sizeof() to memcpy() bytes somewhere without the overhead of a strlen() counting first, you’d really want something like…

memcpy (buffer, STRING, sizeof(STRING)-1);

Until next time…

Why do 5.7K and 8K Insta360 X3/X4 photos/videos look so bad?

For the search engines…

I see this question come up over and over (and over and over) again on discussion groups (Facebook, REDDIT, etc.). Folks see “8K camera” or “5.7K camera” and expect that will be better than an HD camera or 4K camera.

But not with a 360 camera.

With a normal camera, you have a lens recording a square/rectangular image. An HD camera will record an image that is 1920×1080 pixels. Those pixels are used for the entire square/rectangular image.

But, a 360 camera with two lenses takes its resolution and divides that by two — one for each lens. An 8K Insta360 X4 camera is therefore shooting a 4K image out the front lens, and a 4K image out the back.

BUT, instead of shooting straight ahead, it is a wide angle fisheye style image that is actually capturing everything in front, above, below, to the left and right of that lens. The back lens is doing the same.

When you think of it that way, the number of pixels that would be for the “forward” view is a fraction of the pixels you would get with a normal non-fisheye single lens camera.

Here is my quick doodle:

Now, reality is actually much more complex than this simple drawing, but the end result is you an “reframe” 360 footage to be a view in any direction. If you only use those six main directions (forward, backwards, left, right, up and down), you are dividing the pixels of that 8K image in to 6 smaller images. If 8K video is 7680 × 4320, then each view is closer to 1280×720 — which you can see is below “full HD” of 1920×1080.

So even with an 8K 360 camera, what you get in any specific direction is still not going to be as good as a simple HD camera that only records in one direction.

(And yes, I know the reality is much more complex, but this is just greatly simplified to help new users visualize how it works.)

Until next time…

Insta360 X4 firmware 1.2.20


  • 2024-08-01 – Fernando T. in the comments noted that there are still missing features: “I can see no control of bracketing steps and number of shots for composing HDR Photo yet…” Let’s hope that, eventually, Insta360 can make the X4 do as much as its predecessor could do.

Finally! The GPS Remote and Apple Watch may be used to control the X4. Also support for streaming. We are now getting close to the standard features we were used to with the X3.