Earlier this year, Jason Pittman shared a BASIC program with me that drew representations of all the letters of the alphabet. It was a cute program, and did some fancy drawing.
To select a letter, there was this block of code:
130 PMODE3,1:A$=INKEY$
140 IFA$="A"THEN410
150 IFA$="B"THEN510
160 IFA$="C"THEN590
170 IFA$="D"THEN680
180 IFA$="E"THEN750
190 IFA$="F"THEN820
200 IFA$="G"THEN900
210 IFA$="H"THEN1020
220 IFA$="I"THEN1100
230 IFA$="J"THEN1130
240 IFA$="K"THEN1220
250 IFA$="L"THEN1340
260 IFA$="M"THEN1410
270 IFA$="N"THEN1490
280 IFA$="O"THEN1560
290 IFA$="P"THEN1680
300 IFA$="Q"THEN1780
310 IFA$="R"THEN1890
320 IFA$="S"THEN2020
330 IFA$="T"THEN2100
340 IFA$="U"THEN2190
350 IFA$="V"THEN2250
360 IFA$="W"THEN2360
370 IFA$="X"THEN2440
380 IFA$="Y"THEN2490
390 IFA$="Z"THEN2550
400 GOTO130
I thought it might be fun to ask you — in the comments — to tell me how YOU would have done this. I can think of one way, that uses an Extended BASIC keyword, and another way, that would work on Color BASIC.
For a series of options that are sequential (like “A to Z”) there are certainly some options.
As a part two … what if they were not sequential? What if it was for a menu that had options like “A, B, C, D, Q, Z” or whatever? That let me think of a third way to do it to work in Color BASIC.
Comment away!
In the process of typing in programs from Rainbow, I’ve seen a handful of ways of dealing with this. One of the more compact was Steve Kincade’s Blackjak from April 1984.
220 DIMO$(26)
500 R$ = “HELLO WORLD”
510 PMODE 3,1:PCLS 1:SCREEN 1,1:COLOR 0,1
520 GOSUB 650
599 GOTO 599
Geez, compared to the amount of lines in the ABC original, that’s like almost no code!
Since it’s drawing PMODE graphics, relying on Extended Basic would be fine so a set of DRAW strings in an array is probably the most obvious thing, as already shown by Jerry.
If I needed to do something more complex that needed to run arbitrary code, I’d probably use some form of ON INSTR(….) GOTO (or GOSUB) as a general case. I might alternatively use ASC(…) as the ON expression depending on the exact circumstances.
I think ASC/ON GOTO might be as good as it gets for Color BASIC. INSTR was added in EXTENDED, yes?