Category Archives: Programming

C program build date and time.

This one is just for fun, though I suppose I might not be the only one on the planet that ever needed to do this…

At my day job, I have a board that had a realtime clock, but no battery backup to retain the time. During startup, the system sends the current PC date and time (actually, it sends it in GMT, I believe, so looking at logs captured in different parts of the world will be easier — GMT is GMT anywhere on the planet ;-)

On startup, the board wants to log some things, but does not yet know the time. It had been using a hard-coded default time (like 1/1/2000). I wondered if the C compiler build date and time could be used to at least set the time based on when the firmware-in-use was compiled.

A quick chat with Bing’s AI (ChatGPT) and some experiments to make what it gave me far less bulky provided me with this:

int main()
    // Initialize time to when this firmware was built.
    const char *c_months = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec";
    char monthStr[4];
    int year = 0;
    int month = 0;
    int day = 0;
    int hour = 0;
    int minute = 0;
    int second = 0;

    // “Mmm dd yyyy”
    strncpy(monthStr, __DATE__, 3);
    monthStr[3] = '\0';
    month = (strstr(c_months, monthStr) - c_months) / 3 + 1;

    day = atoi (&__DATE__[4]);
    year = atoi (&__DATE__[7]);

    printf ("%04d-%02d-%02d\n", year, month, day);

    // “hh:mm:ss”
    hour = atoi (&__TIME__[0]);
    minute = atoi (&__TIME__[3]);
    second = atoi (&__TIME__[6]);

    printf ("%02d:%02d:%02d\n", hour, minute, second);

    return 0;

This works by taking the compiler-generated macros of “__DATE__” and “__TIME__” and parsing out the values we want so they can be passed to a realtime clock routine or whatever.

In my case, this is not the code I am using since our embedded compiler handled __DATE__ in a different format. (It uses “dd-Mmm-yy” for some reason, while the standard C formatting appears to be “Mmm dd yyyy”.) But, the concept is similar.

Of course, as soon as I tested this, I found another issue. My board would power up and set to the build date (which is central standard time) and then when the system is connected, a new date/time is sent in GMT, which is currently 5 (or is it 6?) hours different, setting the clock back in time.

This makes log entries a bit odd ;-) but that’s a problem for another day.

Until then…

When a+b+c is not the same as b+a+c plus the Barr coding standard

DISCLAIMER: All compilers are not created equal. Different compilers may achieve the same result, but may take different steps to achieve that result. Optimizers and code generators can do wonderful things. Thus, if you want to leave a comment and say “compiler XYZ does not do that,” that is fine, but that is not the point of this. This is for those “other” compilers you don’t use, that do not behave that way…

During my embedded C programming career, there are some interesting optimizations I have been taught. Most of these are things I would never consider on a modern C compiler running on a system that has ample memory and CPU resources. But when you are on a microcontroller with 4K or RAM or 16K of program storage, sometimes you have to do things oddly to make it fit, or, if the CPU is slow, make it run fast enough.

True, False, or Not True or Not False?

Consider this:

bool flag = false;

if (flag)
// Do something

And “if” like this will be looking for a true result. Now, one compiler I work with has its own “TRUE” and “FALSE”, in uppercase, which all their code uses. Why? Maybe because they originated before the stdbool.h header file was added to the C standard and defined an official “true” and “false” in lowercase. Fortunately, they currently provide a stdbool which will undefine the uppercase ones (if the compiler is set to NON-case sensative — yep, by default “foo” and “FOO” and “else” and “Else” are processed the same) and define lowercase ones:

#if !getenv("CASE")
// remove TRUE and FALSE added by CCS's device .h file, only if
// compiler has case sensitivty off.

#if defined(TRUE)
#undef TRUE

#if defined(FALSE)
#undef FALSE

typedef int1 bool;
#define true 1
#define false 0
#define __bool_true_false_are_defined

With 0 representing false, and 1 representing true, the “if” works — anything that is not 0 will be processed. In a normal compiler:

if (0)
printf ("This will not print.\n");

if (1)
printf ("This will print\n");

if (42)
printf ("This will print\n");

On my Radio Shack Color Computer’s 6809 microprocessor, I expect such an “if” test compiles into assemble code that represents something like “branch if not zero”. I would expect every CPU has a similar instruction.

So checking for true (not 0) should be as fast as checking for false (0), assuming there is a similar instruction for “branch if zero.”

However, what if the CPU uses a different number of instruction cycles for a “branch if zero” versus “branch if not zero”? If that were the case, these might have different execution speeds:

if (flag == true)
// Do something...

if (flag == false)
// Do something...

But that seems unlikely, and is not the point of this post. (If you are aware of any CPU where this would be the case, please leave a comment.)

Some company coding standards I have used said to never use just “if (x)” but instead write out what it actually means. While you and I are experts and clearly know what the “if (x)” does, as should any programmer who knows programming, what if they don’t? In that case “if (x == true)” and “if (x == false)” are impossible to misunderstand, and should generate the same code as “if (x)” and “if (!x)”.


But suppose you used a crappy “C-like” compiler, and it had a “test for zero” which is used for “if (flag == false)” but used something dumb like “compare against a number” when you did “if (flag == true)” or “if (flag)”… Like, the compiler saw a check for 0 and knew it could efficiently do that… but if it was not zero, it did a compare against a number, resulting in something like…

load #1 in to some accumulator
compare register holding "flag" against accumulator
branch if equal (or if not equal)

That can generate some extra code each and every time you check for “true”, so checking for “not false” might save a few bytes every time.

Because of that, I often just default to doing this:

if (flag != false)
// Do something...

And this looks stupid. But might save enough bytes to make something compile that otherwise would not fit.

Hopefully you have never had to work in such a constrained environment with such a crappy C-like compiler.

The good news is, by changing to doing this, it works the same on “real” compilers but “might” make smaller or faster code on bad compilers.

But I digress…

Adding it all up…

I really wanted to write this about something I had never considered:

#define CRC_LENGH 2

unsigned int messageSize = HEADER_LENGTH + payloadLength + CRC_LENGTH;

If the message protocol uses a format like “[HEADER][PAYLOAD][CRC]”, writing out the C code like that makes it easy to visualize what the message bytes look like.

The compiler would be seeing that code as:

unsigned int messageSize = 5 + payloadLength + 2;

A compiler might be doing…

  • Set messageSize to 5
  • Add payloadLength to messageSize
  • Add 2 to messageSize

But if you grouped the #define values together:

unsigned int messageSize = HEADER_LENGTH + CRC_LENGTH + payloadLength;

A good compiler might be changing that to:

unsigned int messageSize = 5 + 2 + payloadLength;
unsigned int messageSize = 7 + payloadLength;

…which results in:

  • Set messageSize to 7
  • Add payloadLength to messageSize

And if you deal with hundreds of messages where this might be calculated, that savings can really add up.

I would hope a real/smart compiler might be able to detect this and optimize the constants together … but I know this is not guaranteed to be the case.

The best thing about standards…

And as a bonus, earlier I posted asking about C coding standards trying to find one my employer could adopt, instead of rolling our own. Bing CoPilot led me to a few, including this one specifically for embedded C:

Embedded C Coding Standard | Barr Group

This “Barr C” standard has many things I have already forced myself to start doing, and does look promising. You can but a paperback book for the standard for $6 on Amazon, or download the book free as a PDF. I plan to go through it and see what all it discusses.

One thing I like about the approach is gives a reason for each of the coding standard things is presents. For example, braces:


a. Braces shall always surround the blocks of code (a.k.a., compound
statements), following if, else, switch, while, do, and for statements; single statements and empty statements following these keywords shall also always be surrounded by braces.

b. Each left brace ({) shall appear by itself on the line below the start of the block it opens. The corresponding right brace (}) shall appear by itself in the same position the appropriate number of lines later in the file.


There is considerable risk associated with the presence of empty
statements and single statements that are not surrounded by braces. Code constructs like this are often associated with bugs when nearby code is changed or commented out. This risk is entirely eliminated by the consistent use of braces. The placement of the left brace on the following line allows for easy visual checking for the corresponding right brace.


When I started learning C back in the late 1980s, it was the pre-ANSI K&R C. Thus, I learned C the way the books I had showed it:

if (something) {
// Do something
} else {
// Do something else

The placement of the “{” on the first line seems to be referred to as “line saver” in some of the code editors I use. It was at a job where their standard says “line them up so you can see what goes to what” that I had to change my style:

if (something)
// Do something
// Do something else

Now the start of each code block has the start brace and end brace on the same column, making it much easier to spot rather than having to look at the ends of lines or some characters in to a line.

I hated that at first, but now I am used to it.

I also used to do things like this:

if (something)

Somewhere on this site, I have written about this at least once or twice. This breaks when someone adds something without thinking about the braces:

if (something)
WriteToLog(); // added this

Without the braces, trying to compile this would at least give an error:

main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:31:5: error: ‘else’ without a previous ‘if’
31 | else
| ^~~~

BUT, if you did not have the else…

if (something)

That code might “look” good, but running it would do something if the case was true, but would then ALWAYS write to the log… Because C is seeing it like this:

if (something)


And I have now seen a modern programmer, brought up on scripting languages that made use of tabs rather than braces, make this mistake working on C code they were not really familiar with.

But I digress. Again.

More to come when my book arrives and I start reading through it. Unless someone presents me a better alternative, I think this one may suffice. The book is cheap, it can be downloaded free (so it is searchable) and the items I have spot checked seemed reasonable.

If you have ever worked with the Barr-C coding standard, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Until then…

C has its limits. If you know where to look.

Thank you, Bing Copilot (ChatGPT), for giving me another “thing I just learned” to blog about.

In the early days of “K&R C”, things were quite a bit different. C was not nearly as portable as it is today. While the ANSI-C standard helped quite a bit, once it became a standard, there were still issues when moving C code from machines of different architectures — for example:

int x;

What is x? According to the C standard, and “int” is “at least 16 bits.” On my Radio Shack Color Computer, and int was 16-bits (0-65535). I expect on my friend’s Commodore Amiga, the int was 32-bits, though I really don’t know. And even when you “know”, assuming that to be the case is a “bad thing.”

I used a K&R C compiler on my CoCo, and later on my 68000-based MM/1 computer. That is when I became aware that an “int” was different. Code that worked on my CoCo would port fine to the MM/1, since it was written assuming an int was 16-bits. But trying to port anything from the MM/1 to the CoCo was problematic if the code had assumed an int was 32-bits.

When I got a job at Microware in 1995, I saw my first ANSI-C compiler: Ultra C. To deal with “what size is an int” issues, Microware created their own header file, types.h, which included their definitions for variables of specific sizes:

u_int32 x;
int32 y;

All the OS library calls were prototyped to use these special types, though if you know an “unsigned long” was the same as an “u_int32” or a “short” was the same as an “int16” you could still use those.

But probably shouldn’t.

In those years, I saw other compilers do similar things, such as “U32 x;” and “I16 y”. I expect there were many variations of folks trying to solve this problem.

Some years later, I used the GCC compiler for the first time and learned that the ANSI-C specification now had it’s own types.h — called stdint.h. That gave us things like:

uint32_t x;
int32_t y;

It was easy to adopt these new standard definitions, and I have tried to use them ever since.

I was also introduced in to the defines that specified the largest value that would fit in an “int” or “long” on a system – limits.h:

#define CHAR_MAX 255 /*unsigned integer maximum*/
#define CHAR_MIN 0 /*unsigned integer minimum*/

/* signed int properties */
#define INT_MAX 32767 /* signed integer minimum*/
#define INT_MIN (-32767-_C2) /*signed integer maximum*/

/* signed long properties */
#define LONG_MAX 2147483647 /* signed long maximum*/
#define LONG_MIN (-2147483647-_C2) /* signed long minimum*/

The values would vary based on if your system was 16-bits, 32-bits or 64-bits. It allowed you to do this:

int x = INT_MAX;
unsigned int y = UINT_MAX;

…and have code that would compile on a 16-bit or 64-bit system. If you had tried something like this:

unsigned int y = 4294967295; // Max 32-bit value.

…that code would NOT work as expected when compiled on a 16-bit system (like my old CoCo, or an Arduino UNO or the PIC24 processors I use at work).

I learned to use limits.h.

But this week, I was working on code that needed to find the highest and lowest values in a 32-bit number range. I had code like this:

uint32_t EarliestSequenceNumber = 4294967295;
uint32_t LatestSequenceNumber = 0;

And that works fine, and should work fine on any system where an int can hold a 32-bit value. (Though I used hex, since I know 0xffffffff is the max value, and always have to look up or use a calculator to find out the decimal version.)

Had I been using signed integers, I would be doing this:

int32_t LargestSignedInt = 2147483647;

Or I’d use 0x7fffffff.

As I looked at my code, I wondered if C provided similar defines for the stdint.h types.

stdint.h also has stdsizes!

And it does! Since all of this changed/happened after I already “learned” C, I never got the memo about new features being added. Inside stdint.h are also defines like this:

#define INT8_MAX  (127)
#define INT8_MIN (-128)
#define UINT8_MAX (255)

#define INT16_MAX (32767)
#define INT16_MIN (-32768)
#define UINT16_MAX (65535)

#define INT32_MAX (2147483647)
#define INT32_MIN (-2147483648)
#define UINT32_MAX (4294967295)

#define INT64_MAX (9223372036854775807)
#define INT64_MIN (-9223372036854775808)
#define UINT64_MAX (18446744073709551615)

…very similar to what limits.h offers for standard ints, etc. Neat!

Now modern code can do:

uint32_t EarliestSequenceNumber = UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t LatestSequenceNumber = 0;

…and that’s the new C thing I learned today.

And it may have even been there when I first learned about stdint.h and I just did not know.

And knowing is half the battle.

Once you go read-only…

…you can never go back.

After being shown that you can declare a global variable, as one does…

int g_globalVariable;

…and then make it be treated as a read-only variable to other files by extern-ing it as a const:

extern int const g_globalVariable;

…of course I wondered what the compiler did if you went the other way:

// main.c
#include <stdio.h>

void function (void);

int const c_Value = 0;

int main()
    printf("Hello World\n");
    printf ("c_Value: %d\n", c_Value);
    function ();
    printf ("c_Value: %d\n", c_Value);

    return 0;

// function.c
#include <stdio.h>

// Extern as a non-const.
extern int c_Value;

void function ()

Above, main.c contains a global const variable, but function.c tries to extern it as non-const.

But when I run the code…

Hello World
c_Value: 0

...Program finished with exit code 139
Press ENTER to exit console.

…the compiler does not complain, but we get a crash. Looking at this in a debugger shows more detail:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00005555555551ef in function () at Function.c:11
11 c_Value++;

I am unfamiliar with the inner workings on whatever compiler this Online C Compiler – online editor is using, but I suspect I’d see similar results doing this on any system with memory protection. Go back to the early days (like OS-9 on a 6809 computer, or even on a 68000 without an MMU) and … maybe it just allows it and it modifies something it shouldn’t?

We can file this away in the “don’t do this” category.

Until next time…

Modifying read-only const variables in C

This is a cool trick I just learned from commenter Sean Patrick Conner in a previous post.

If you want to have variables globally available, but want to have some control over how they are set, you can limit the variables to be static to a file containing “get” and “set” functions:

static int S_Number = 0;

void SetNumber (int number)
S_Number = number;

int GetNumber (void)
return S_Number;

This allows you to add range checking or other things that might make sense:

void SetPowerLevel (int powerLevel)
if ((powerLevel >= 0) || (powerLevel <= 100))
S_PowerLevel = powerLevel;

Using functions to get and set variables adds extra code, and also slows down access to those variables since it is having to jump in to a function each time you want to change the variable.

The benefit of adding range checking may be worth the extra code/speed, but just reading a variable has not reason to need that overhead.

Thus, Sean’s tip…

Variables declared globally in a file cannot be accessed anywhere else unless you use “extern” to declare them in any file that wants to use them. You might declare some globals in globals.c like this:

// Globals.c
int g_number;

…but trying to access “g_number” anywhere else will not work. You either need to add:

extern int g_number;

…in any file that wants access to it, or, better, make something like globals.h that contains all your extern references:

// Globals.h
extern int g_number;

Now any file that needs access to the globals can just include “globals.h” and use them:

#include "globals.h"

void function (void)
printf ("Number: %d\n", g_number);

That was not Sean’s tip.

Sean mentioned something that makes sense, but I do not think I’d ever tried: The extern can contain the “const” keyword, even if the declaration of the variable does not!

This means you could have a global variable like above, but in globals.h do this:

// Globals.h
extern int const g_number;

Now any file that includes “globals.h” has access to g_number as a read-only variable. The compiler will not let code build if there is a line trying to modify it other than globals.c where it was actually declared non-const.

Thus, you could access this variable as fast as any global, but not modify it. For that, you’d need a set routine:

// Globals.c
int c_number; // c_ to indicate it is const, which it really isn't.

// Set functions
void SetNumber (int number)
c_number = number;

Now other code can include “globals.h” and have read-only access to the variable directly, but can only set it by going through the set function, which could enforce data validation or other rules — something just setting it directly could not.

#include "Globals.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf ("Number: %d\n", c_number);

SetNumber (42);

printf ("Number: %d\n", c_number);

return 0;

That seems quite obvious now that I have been shown it. But I’ve never tried it. I have made plenty of Get/Set routines over the years (often to deal with making variable access thread-safe), but I guess it never dawns on me that, when not dealing with thread-safe variables, I could have direct read-only access to a variable, but still modify it through a function.

Global or static?

One interesting benefit is that any other code that needed direct access to this variable (for speed reasons or whatever) could just add its own extern rather than using the include “Globals.h”:

// Do this myself so I can modify it
extern int c_number;

void MyCode (void)
// It's my variable and I can do what I want with it!
c_number = 100;

By using the global, it opens up that as a possibility.

And since functions are used to set them, they could also exist to initialize them.

// Globals.c
// Declared as non-const, but named with "c_" to indicate the rest of the
// code cannot modify it.
int c_number;

// Init functions
void InitGlobals (void)
c_number = 42;

// Set functions.
void SetNumber (int number)
c_number = number;
// Globals.h

// Extern as a const so it is a read-only.
extern int const c_number;

// Prototypes
void InitGlobals (void);

void SetNumber (int number);
#include <stdio.h>

#include "Globals.h"

int main()
InitGlobals ();

printf ("c_number = %d\n", c_number);

// This won't work.
//c_number = 100;

SetNumber (100);

printf ("c_number = %d\n", c_number);

return 0;


I had thought about using static to prevent the “extern” trick from working, but realize if you did that, there would be no read-only access outside of that file and a get function would be needed. And we already knew how to do that.

I love learning new techniques like this. The code I maintain in my day job has TONS of globals for various reasons, and often has duplicate code to do range checking and such. I could see using something like this to clean all of that up and still retain speed when accessing the variables.

Got any C tricks? Comment away…

const-ant confusion in C, revisited.

I do not know why this has confused me so much over the years. BING CoPilot (aka ChatGPT) explains it so clearly I do not know how I ever misunderstood it.

But I am getting ahead of myself.

Back in 2017, I wrote a bit about const in C. A comment made by Sean Patrick Conner on a recent post made me revisit the topic of const in 2024.

If you use const, you make a variable that the compiler will not allow to be changed. It becomes read-only.

int normalVariable = 42;
const int constVariable = 42;

normalVariable = 100; // This will work.

constVariable = 100; // This will not work.

When you try to compile, you will get this error:

error: assignment of read-only variable ‘constVariable’

That is super simple.

But let me make one more point-er…

But for pointers, it is a bit different. You can declare a pointer and change it, like this:

char *ptr = 0x0;

ptr = (char*)0x100;

And if you did not want the pointer to change, you might try adding const like this:

const char *ptr = 0x0;

ptr = (char*)0x100;

…but you would fine that compiles just fine, and you still can modify the pointer.

In the case of pointers, the “const” at the start means what the pointer points to, not the pointer itself. Consider this:

uint8_t buffer[10];

// Normal pointer.
uint8_t *normalPtr = &buffer[0];

// Modify what it points to.
normalPtr[0] = 0xff;

// Modify the pointer itself.

Above, without using const, you can change the data that ptr points to (inside the buffer) as well as the pointer itself.

But when you add const…

// Pointer to constant data.
const uint8_t *constPtr1 = &buffer[0];
// Or it can be written like this:
// uint8_t const *constPtr1 = &buffer[0];

// You can NOT modify the data the pointer points to:
constPtr1[1] = 1; // error: assignment of read-only location ‘*(constPtr1 + 2)

// But you can modify the pointer itself:

Some of my longstanding confusion came from where you put “const” on the line. In this case, “const uint8_t *ptr” is the same as “uint8_t const *ptr”. Because reasons?

Since using const before or after the pointer data type means “you can’t modify what this points to”, you have to use const in a different place if you want the pointer itself to not be changeable:

// Constant pointer to data.
// We can modify the data the pointer points to, but
// not the pointer itself.
uint8_t * const constPtr3 = &buffer[0];

constPtr3[3] = 3;

// But this will not work:
constPtr3++; // error: increment of read-only variable ‘constPtr3’

And if you want to make it so you cannot modify the pointer AND the data it points to, you use two consts:

// Constant pointer to constant data.

// We can NOT modify the data the pointer points to, or
// the pointer itself.
const uint8_t * const constPtr4 = &buffer[0];

// Neither of these will work:
constPtr4[4] = 4; // error: assignment of read-only location ‘*(constPtr4 + 3)’

constPtr4++; // error: increment of read-only variable ‘constPtr4’

Totally not confusing.

The pattern is that “const” makes whatever follows it read-only. You can do an integer variable both ways, as well:

const int constVariable = 42;

int const constVariable = 42;

Because reasons.

The cdecl: C gibberish ↔ English webpage will explain this and show them both to be the same:

const int constVariable
declare constVariable as const int

int const constVariable
declare constVariable as const int

Since both of those are the same, “const char *” and “char const *” should be the same, too.

const char *ptr
declare ptr as pointer to const char

char const *ptr
declare ptr as pointer to const char

However, when you place the const in front of the variable name, you are no longer referring to the pointer (*) but that variable:

char * const ptr
declare ptr as const pointer to char

Above, the pointer is constant, but not what it points to. Adding the second const:

const char * const ptr
declare ptr as const pointer to const char

char const * const ptr
declare ptr as const pointer to const char

…makes both the pointer and what it points to read-only.

Why do I care?

You probably don’t. However, any time you pass a buffer in to a function that is NOT supposed to modify it, you should make sure that buffer is read-only. (That was more or less the point of my 2017 post.)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void function (char *bufferPtr, size_t bufferSize)
    // I can modify this!
    bufferPtr[0] = 42;

int main()
    char buffer[80];
    strncpy (buffer, "Hello, world!", sizeof(buffer));
    printf ("%s\n", buffer);
    function (buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    printf ("%s\n", buffer);

    return 0;

When I run that, it will print “Hello, world!” and then print “*ello, world!”

If we do not want the function to be able to modify/corrupt the buffer (easily), adding const solves that:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void function (const char *bufferPtr, size_t bufferSize)
    // I can NOT modify this!
    bufferPtr[0] = 42;

int main()
    char buffer[80];
    strncpy (buffer, "Hello, world!", sizeof(buffer));
    printf ("%s\n", buffer);
    function (buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    printf ("%s\n", buffer);

    return 0;

But, because the pointer itself was not protected with const, inside the routine it could modify the pointer:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void function (const char const *bufferPtr, size_t bufferSize)
    // I can NOT modify this!
    //bufferPtr[0] = 42;
    while (*bufferPtr != '\0')
        printf ("%02x ", *bufferPtr);
        bufferPtr++; // Increment the pointer
    printf ("\n");

int main()
    char buffer[80];
    strncpy (buffer, "Hello, world!", sizeof(buffer));
    printf ("%s\n", buffer);
    function (buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    printf ("%s\n", buffer);

    return 0;

In that example, the pointer is passed in, and can be changed. But, since it was passed in, what gets changed is the temporary variable used by the function, similarly to when you pass in a variable and modify it inside a function and the variable can be changed in the function without affecting the variable that was passed in:

void numberTest (int number)
    printf ("%d -> ", number);

    printf ("%d\n", number);

int main()
    int number = 42;
    printf ("Before function: %d\n", number);
    numberTest (number);
    printf ("After function: %d\n", number);

    return 0;

Because of that temporary nature, I don’t see any reason to restrict the pointer to be read-only. Any changes made to it within the function will be to a copy of the pointer.

In fact, even if you declare that pointer as a const, the temporary copy inside the function can still be modified:

void function (const char const *bufferPtr, size_t bufferSize)
// I can NOT modify this!
//bufferPtr[0] = 42;

while (*bufferPtr != '\0')
printf ("%02x ", *bufferPtr);

bufferPtr++; // Increment the pointer

printf ("\n");

Offhand, I cannot think of any reason you would want to pass a pointer in to a function and then not let the function use that pointer by changing it. Maybe there are some? Leave a comment…

The moral of the story is…

The important takeaway is to always use const when you are passing in a buffer you do not want to be modified by the function. And leave it out when you DO want the buffer modified:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

// Uppercase string in buffer.
void function (char *bufferPtr, size_t bufferSize)
    while ((*bufferPtr != '\0') && (bufferSize > 0))
        *bufferPtr = toupper(*bufferPtr);
        bufferPtr++; // Increment the pointer
        bufferSize--; // Decrement how many bytes left

int main()
    char buffer[80];
    strncpy (buffer, "Hello, world!", sizeof(buffer));
    printf ("%s\n", buffer);
    function (buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    printf ("%s\n", buffer);

    return 0;

And if you pass that a non-modifiable string (like a real read-only constant string stored in program space or ROM or whatever), you might have a different issue to deal with. In the case of the PIC24 compiler I use, it flat out won’t let you pass in a constant string like this:

function ("CCS PIC compiler will not allow this", 80);

They have a special compiler setting which will generate code to copy any string literals into RAM before calling the function (at the tradeoff of extra code space, CPU time, and memory);


But I digress. This was just about const.

Oddly, when I do the same thing in the GDB online Debugger, it happily does it. I don’t know why — surely it’s not modifying program space? Perhaps it is copying the string in to RAM behind the scenes, much like the CCS compiler can do. Or perhaps it is blindly writing to program space and there is no exception/memory protection stopping it.

Well, it crashes if I run the same code on a Windows machine using the Code::Blocks IDE (GCC compiler).

One more thing…

You could, of course, try to cheat. Inside the function that is passed a const you can make a non-const and just assign it:

// Uppercase string in buffer.
void function (const char *bufferPtr, size_t bufferSize)
char *ptr = bufferPtr;

while ((*ptr != '\0') && (bufferSize > 0))
*ptr = toupper(*ptr);

putchar (*ptr);

ptr++; // Increment the pointer
bufferSize--; // Decrement how many bytes left

putchar ('\n');

This will work if your compiler is not set to warn you about it. On GCC, mine will compile, but will emit a warning:

main.c: In function ‘function’:
main.c:16:17: warning: initialization discards ‘const’ qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers]
16 | char *ptr = bufferPtr;

For programmers who ignore compiler warnings, you now have code that can corrupt/modify memory that was designed not to be touched. So keep those warnings cranked up and pay attention to them if your code is important.

Comment away. I learn so much from all of you.

C coding standard recomendations?

Only one of the programming jobs I have had used a coding standard. Their standard, created in-house, is more or less the standard I follow today. It includes things like:

  • Prefix global variables with g_
  • Prefix static variables with s_ (for local statics) or S_ (for global statics)

It also required the use of braces, which I have blogged about before, even in single-line instances such as:

if (fault == true)

Many of these took me a bit to get used to because they are different than how I do things. Long after that job, I have adopted many/most of that standard in my own personal style due to accepting the logic behind it.

I thought I’d ask here: Are there any good “widely accepted” C coding standards out there you would recommend? Adopting something widely used might make code easier for a new hire to adapt to, versus “now I have to learn yet another way to format my braces and name my variables.”

Comments appreciated.

C and the case of the missing globals…

Even though I first started learning C using a K&R compiler on a 1980s 8-bit home computer, I still feel like I barely know the language. I learn something new regularly, usually by seeing code someone else wrote.

There are a few common “rules” in C programming that most C programmers I know agree with:

  • Do not use goto, even if it is an intentional supported part of the language.
  • Do not use globals.

I have seen many cases for both. In the case of goto, I have seen code that would otherwise be very convoluted with nested braces and comparisons solved simply by jumping out of the block of code with a goto. I still can’t bring myself to use goto in C, even though as I type this I feel like I actually did at some point. (Do I get a pass on using that, since it was a silly experiment where I was porting BASIC — which uses GOTO — to C, as literally as possible?)

But I digress…

A case for globals – laziness

Often, globals are used out of sheer laziness. Like, suppose you have a function that does something and you don’t want to have to update every use of it to deal with a parameter. I am guilty of this when I needed to make a function more flexible, and did not have time to go update every instance and use of the function to pass in a variable:

void InitializeCommunications ()
     InitI2C (g_Kbps);

In that case, there would be some global (I put a “g_” the variable name so it would be easy to spot as a global later) containing a baud rate, and any place that called that function could use it. Changing the global would make subsequent calls to the function use the new baud rate.

Bad example, but it is what it is.

A case for globals – speed

I have also resorted to using globals to speed things up. One project I worked on had dozens of windows (“panels”) and the original programmer had created a lookup function to return that handle based on a based in #define value:

int GetHandle (int panelID)
   int panelHandle = -1;

   switch (panelID)
      case MAIN_PANEL:
         panelHandle = xxxx;

      case MAIN_OPTIONS:
         panelHandle = xxxx;

Every function that used them would get the ID first by calling that routine:

handle = GetHandle (PANEL_MAIN);

SetPanelColor (handle, COLOR_BLUE); // or whatever

As the program grew, more and more panels were added, and it would take more and more time to look up panels at the bottom of the list. As an optimization I just decided to make al the panel handles global, so any use could just be:

SetPanelColor (g_MainPanel, COLOR_BLUE); // or whatever

This quick-and-dirty change ended up having about a 10% reduction in CPU usage — this thing uses a ton of panel accesses! And it was pretty quick and simple to do.

Desperate times.

An alternative to globals

The main replacement I see for globals are structures, declared during startup, then passed around by pointer. I’ve seen these called “context” or “runtime” structures. For example, some code I work on creates a big structure of “things” and then any place that needs one of those things accesses it:

InitI2C (runTime.baudRate);

But as you might guess, “runTime” is a global structure so any part of the code could access it (or manipulate it, or mess it up). The main benefit I see of making things a global structure is you have to know what you are doing. If you had globals like this:

// Globals
int index = 0;
int baudRate = 0;

…you might be surprised if you tried to use a local variable “index” or “baudRate” and got it confused with the global. (I actually ran in to a bug where there was a global named simply “index” and there was some code that had meant to have a local variable called “index” but forgot to declare it, thus it was always screwing with the global index which was used elsewhere in the code. This was a simple accident that caused alot of weird problems before it was identified and fixed.

Prepending something like “g_index” at least makes it clear you are using a global, so you could have a local “index” and not risk messing up the global “g_index”.

To me, using that global runtime structure is just a slower way to do that, since in embedded compilers I have tested, accessing a global something like “foo.x” is slower than just accessing a global “x”. I have also seen it to take more code space, and I had to remove all such references in one tightly restrained product to save just enough bytes to add some needed new code.

Yes, I have ran in to many situations where a tiny bit of extra memory space or a tiny bit of extra code space made the difference between getting something done, or not.

A cleaner approach?

Ideally, code could pass around a “context” structure, and then nothing could ever access it without specifically being handed it. Consider this:

int main ()
   int status = SUCCESS;

   // Allocate out context:
   RunTimeStruct runTime;


   status = StartProgram (&runTime);

   return status;

int BeginProgram (RunTimeStruct *runTime)
    InitializeCommunications (runTime->baudRate);

    status = DoSomething (runTime);

    return status;

The idea seems to be that once you had the runTime structure, you could pass in specific elements to a function (such as the baud rate), or pass along the entire context for routines that needed full access.

This feels like a nice approach to me since passing one pointer in is fast, and it still offers protection when you decide to pass in just one (or a few) specific items to a function. No code can legally touch those variables if it doesn’t have the context structure.

But what about globals that aren’t globals?

And now the point of this article. Something I learned from this project was an interesting use of “globals” that were not globals. There were functions that declared static structures, and would return the address of the structure:

RunTimeStruct *GetRunTimeData (void)
   static RunTimeStruct runTimeDate;

   return &runTimeData;

Now any place that needed it could just ask for it:

RunTimeStruct *runTime = GetRunTimeData (); 

runTime->baudRate = 300;

This seems like a hybrid approach. You can never accidentally use them, like you might with just a global “int index” or whatever, but if you did, you could get to them without needing a context passed in. It seems like a good compromise between safety and laziness.

It also means those functions could easily be adapted to return blocks of thread-safe variables, with a “Release” function at the end. (This is actually how the thread-safe variables work in the LabWindows/CVI environment I use at my day job.)

RunTimeStruct *runTime = GetRunTimeData (); 

runTime->baudRate = 300;

ReleaseRunTimeData ();

What do you do?

Since I like learning, I thought I’d write this up and ask you what YOU do. Show me your superior method, and why it is superior. I’ve seen so many different approaches to passing data around, so share yours in a comment.

Until next time…

C and concatenating strings…

Imagine running across a block of C code that is meant to create a comma separated list of items like this:

2024/10/18,12:30:06,100,0.00,0,0,0,902.0,902.0,928.0,31.75,0,0,100 ...
2024/10/18,12:30:07,100,0.00,0,0,0,902.0,902.0,928.0,31.75,0,0,100 ...
2024/10/18,12:30:08,100,0.00,0,0,0,902.0,902.0,928.0,31.75,0,0,100 ...
2024/10/18,12:30:09,100,0.00,0,0,0,902.0,902.0,928.0,31.75,0,0,100 ...

And the code that does it was modular, so new items could be inserted anywhere, easily. This is quite flexible:

snprintf (buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH, "%u", value1);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, buffer);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, ",");

snprintf (buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH, "%u", value2);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, buffer);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, ",");

snprintf (buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH, "%.1f", value3);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, buffer);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, ",");

snprintf (buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH, "%.1f", value4);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, buffer);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, ",");

snprintf is used to format the variable into a temporary buffer, then strcat is used to append that temporary buffer to the end of the line output buffer that will be written to the file. Then strcat is used again to append a comma… and so on.

Let’s ignore the use of the “unsafe” strcat which can trash past the end of a buffer is the NIL (“\0”) zero byte is not found. We’ll just say strncat exists for a reason and can prevent buffer overruns crashing a system.

Many C programmers never think about what goes on “behind the scenes” when a function is called. It just does what it does. Only if you are on a memory constrained system may you care about how large the code is, and only on a slow system may you care about how slow the code is. As an embedded C programmer, I care about both since my systems are often slow and memory constrained.

strcat does what?

The C string functions rely on finding a zero byte at the end of the string. strlen, for example, starts at the beginning of the string then counts until if finds a 0, and returns that as the size:

size_t stringLength = strlen (someString);

And strcat would do something similar, starting at the address of the string passed in, then moving forward until a zero is found, then copying the new string bytes there up until it finds a zero byte at the end of the string to be copied. (Or, in the case of strncat, it might stop before the zero if a max length is reached.)

I have previously written about these string functions, including showing implementations of “safe” functions that are missing from the standard C libraries. See my earlier article series about these C string functions. And this one.

But what does strcat look like? I had assumed it might be implemented like this:

char *myStrcat (char *dest, const char *src)
// Scan forward to find the 0 at the end of the dest string.
while (*dest != 0)

// Copy src string to the end.
*dest = *src;

} while (*src != 0);

return dest;

That is a very simple way to do it.

But why re-invent the wheel? I looked to see what GCC does, and their implementation of strcat makes use of strlen and strcpy:

/* Append SRC on the end of DEST.  */
char *
STRCAT (char *dest, const char *src)
strcpy (dest + strlen (dest), src);
return dest;

When you use strcat on GCC, it does the following:

  1. Call strlen() to count all the characters in the destination string up to the 0.
  2. Call strcpy() to copy the source string to the destination string address PLUS the length calculated in step 1.
  3. …and strcpy() is doing it’s own thing where it copies characters until it finds the 0 at the end of the source string.

Reusing code is efficient. If I were to write a strcat that worked like GCC, it would be different than my quick-and-dirty implementation above.

This is slow, isn’t it?

In the code I was looking at…

snprintf (buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH, "%u", value1);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, buffer);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, ",");

…there is alot going on. First snprint does alot of work to convert the variable in to string characters. Next, strcat is calling strlen on the outputLineBuffer, then calling strcpy. Finally, strcat calls strlen on the outputLineBuffer again, then calls strcpy to copy over the comma character.

That is alot of counting from the start of the destination string to the end, and each step along the way is more and more work since there are more characters to copy. Suppose you were going to write out ten five-digit numbers:


The first number is quick because nothing is in the destinations string yet so strcat has nothing to count. “11111” is copied. Then, there is a scan of five characters to get to the end, then the comma is copied.

For the second number, strcat has to scan past SIX characters (“11111,”) and then the process continues.

The the third number has to scan past TWELVE (“11111,22222,” characters.

Each entry gets progressively slower and slower as the string gets longer and longer.

Can we make it faster?

If things were set in stone, you could do this all with one snprint like this:

snprintf ("%u,%u,%.1f,%.1f\n", value1, value2, value3, value4);

Since printf is being used to format all the values in to a buffer, then doing the whole string with one call to snprintf may be the smallest and fastest way to do this.

But if you are dealing with something with dozens of values, when you go in later to add one in the middle, there is great room for error if you get off by a comma or a variable in the parameter list somewhere.

I suspect this is why the code I am seeing was written the way it was. It makes adding something in the middle as easy as adding three new lines:

snprintf (buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH, "%u", newValue);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, buffer);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, ",");

Had fifty parameters been inside some long printf, there is a much greater chance of error when updating the code later to add new fields. The “Clean Code” philosophy says we spend more time maintaining and updating and fixing code than we do writing it, so writing it “simple and easy to understand” initially can be a huge time savings. (Spend a bit more time up front, save much time later.)

So since I want to leave it as-is, this is my suggestion which will cut the string copies in half: just put the comma in the printf:

snprintf (buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH, "%u,", value1);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, buffer);

snprintf (buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH, "%u,", value2);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, buffer);

snprintf (buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH, "%.1f,", value3);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, buffer);

snprintf (buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH, "%.1f,", value4);
strcat (outputLineBuffer, buffer);

And that is a very simple way to reduce the times the computer has to spend starting at the front of the string and counting every character forward until a 0 is found. For fifty parameters, instead of doing that scan 100 times, now we only do it 50.

And that is a nice savings of CPU time, and also saves some code space by eliminating all the extra calls to strcat.

You know better, don’t you?

But I bet some of you have an even better and/or simpler way to do this.

Comment away…