16-bits don’t always add up.

Consider this simple program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    uint16_t    val1;
    uint16_t    val2;
    uint32_t    result;

    val1 = 40000;
    val2 = 50000;

    result = val1 + val2;

    printf ("%u + %u = %u\n", val1, val2, result);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

What will it print?

On my Windows PC, I see the following:

40000 + 50000 = 90000

…but if I convert the printf() and run the same code on an Arduino:

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

    uint16_t    val1;
    uint16_t    val2;
    uint32_t    result;

    val1 = 40000;
    val2 = 50000;

    result = val1 + val2;

    //printf ("%u + %u = %u\n", val1, val2, result);
    Serial.print(" + ");
    Serial.print(" = ");

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


This gives me:

40000 + 50000 = 24464

…and this was the source of a bug I introduced and fixed at my day job recently.

Tha’s wrong, int’it?

I tend to write alot of code using the GCC compiler since I can work out and test the logic much quicker than repeatedly building and uploading to our target hardware. Because of that, I had “fully working” code that was incorrect for our 16-bit PIC24 processor.

In this case, the addition of “val1 + val2” is being done using native integer types. On the PC, those are 32-bit values. On the PIC24 (and Arduino, shown above), they are 16-bit values.

A 16-bit value can represent 65536 values in the range of 0-65535. If you were to have a value of 65535 and add 1 to it, on a 16-bit variable it would roll over and the result would be 0. In my example, 40000 + 50000 was rolling over 65535 and producing 24464 (which is 90000 – 65536).

You can see this happen using the Windows calculator. By default, it uses DWORD (double word – 32-bit) values. You can do the addition just fine:

You see that 40,000 + 50,000 results in 90,000, which is 0x15F90 in hex. That 0x1xxxx at the start is the rollover. If you switch the calculator in to WORD mode you see it gets truncated and the 0x1xxxx at the start goes away, leaving the 16-bit result:

Can we fix it?

The solution is very simple. In C, any time there is addition which might result in a value larger than the native int type (if you know it), you simply cast the two values being added to a larger data type, such as a 32-bit uint32_t:

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

    uint16_t    val1;
    uint16_t    val2;
    uint32_t    result;

    val1 = 40000;
    val2 = 50000;

    // Without casting (native int types):
    result = val1 + val2;

    //printf ("%u + %u = %u\n", val1, val2, result);
    Serial.print(" + ");
    Serial.print(" = ");

    // Wish casting:
    result = (uint32_t)val1 + (uint32_t)val2;

    Serial.print(" + ");
    Serial.print(" = ");

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Above, I added a second block of code that does the same add, but casting each of the val1 and val2 variables to 32-bit values. This ensures they will not roll over since even the max values of 65535 + 65535 will fit in a 32-bit variable.

The result:

40000 + 50000 = 24464
40000 + 50000 = 90000

Since I know adding any two 16-bit values can be larger than what a 16-bit value can hold (i.e., “1 + 1” is fine, as is “65000 + 535”, but larger values present a rollover problem), it is good practice to just always cast upwards. That way, the code works as intended, whether the native int of the compiler is 16-bits or 32-bits.

As my introduction of this bug “yet again” shows, it is a hard habit to get in to.

Until next time…

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