As I wrote about earlier, in 1986 I created a demo program that displays a Doctor Who logo (based on the one from the Tom Baker era of the show) and played a version of the theme song I created in Musica 2.
You can download a disk image of this demo from the CoCo archive site:
I created the music by ear (listening to a cassette tape recording I made from TV) in Musica 2:
Here is a video of the demo playing:
I remembered using a BASIC program to draw most of the logo, then using some graphics program to add the text. I have recently located the original BASIC program:
15 GOTO30
20 DRAW"BM128,20;M35,90;M128,160;M220,90;M128,20;BM128,30;M47,90;M128,150;M208,90;M128,30"
25 GOTO25
30 CIRCLE(128,135),100,,1,.66,.85:CIRCLE(128,135),80,,1,.66,.85:LINE(73,53)-(83,68),PSET:LINE(182,53)-(172,68),PSET:PAINT(128,36)
40 DRAW"BM65,70;M70,110;M80,110;M85,95;M90,110;M100,110;M105,70;M95,70;M93,95;M85,80;M78,95;M78,95;M75,70;M65,70":PAINT(66,71)
50 DRAW"BM110,70;M110,110;M120,110;M120,95;M140,95;M140,110;M150,110;M150,70;M140,70;M140,85;M120,85;M120,70;M110,70":PAINT(111,71)
60 CIRCLE(175,90),21:CIRCLE(175,90),12:PAINT(175,71)
70 GOTO20
It draws this:
Sometime, I’d like to try to create a more accurate version of that logo, and update the music to be more accurate as well.
The CoCo (as the Tardis) is bigger from the inside ????. Thanks for sharing!
Look at the weird GOTO. I must have drawn the text first, then realized I had to paint it last or something.