ChatGPT AI can analyze 6809 assembly language!

I gave it this:

    lda #96
    ldx #1024
    sta ,x+
    cmpx #1536
    bne loop

…and ChatGPT gave me this:

The clear subroutine in this code is used to clear the screen and initialize it with a grid of green squares. The subroutine begins by loading the value 96 into the accumulator register A using the LDA instruction. This value represents the color value for green, which will be used to fill the screen with green squares.

Next, the LDX instruction is used to load the value 1024 into the X register. This value is the memory address of the top left corner of the screen, and it will be used as the starting point for the POKE operations that will be used to fill the screen with green squares.

The loop label marks the start of a loop that will be used to fill the screen with green squares. Inside the loop, the STA ,X+ instruction is used to store the value in the accumulator register A at the memory location pointed to by the X register, and then increment the X register by one. This has the effect of setting the value at the current memory location to the color value for green, and then moving to the next memory location on the screen.

The CMPX instruction is then used to compare the value in the X register to the value 1536. If the X register is less than 1536, it means that there are still memory locations on the screen that need to be filled with the color value for green. In this case, the BNE instruction is used to branch to the loop label, causing the loop to be repeated and the next memory location on the screen to be filled with the color value for green.

If the X register is equal to 1536, it means that all of the memory locations on the screen have been filled with the color value for green, and the loop can be exited. In this case, the BNE instruction will not be executed, and the RTS instruction will be executed, causing the subroutine to return to the main program. This completes the execution of the clear subroutine.

– ChatGPT AI

Now, it may have figured some of this out because I previously fed it a longer (and fully commented) bit of 6809 code that contained that routine as one of its several functions. That’s the only way I can see it knew the screen location and a green block., ya’ll.

4 thoughts on “ChatGPT AI can analyze 6809 assembly language!

  1. Dave Philipsen

    I’ll be impressed when you can send them a binary file and they completely disassemble it and comment the disassembly with fairly reasonable accuracy!

    1. Allen Huffman Post author

      You should see some of the crazy interactions I had with it last night, posted to my Facebook page. It outright made stuff up about one of my programs, and when I called it out, it apologized and corrected itself. Wild.

    2. Allen Huffman Post author

      I need to put together some videos of what this thing can do. It takes care and guidance, but it actually writes stuff. It turns requests in to code, that works. It’s done a few things I wouldn’t have even thought to do.

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