In a language like C, you often have multiple ways to accomplish the same thing. In general, the method you use shouldn’t matter if the end result is the same.
For example:
// This way:
if (a == 1)
else if (a == 2)
// Versus that way:
switch (a)
case 1:
case 2:
Both of those do the same thing, though the code they generate to do the same thing may be different.
We might not care which one we use unless we are needing to optimize for code space, memory usage or execution speed.
Optimizing for these things can be done by trail-and-error testing, but there is no guarantee that the method that worked best on the Arduino 16-bit processor and GCC compiler will be the same for a 64-BIT ARM processor and CLANG compiler.
If you ever do make a choice like this, just be sure to leave a comment explaining why you did it in case your code ever gets ported to a different architecture or compiler.
Short circuiting
Many things in C are compiler-specific, and are not part of the C standard. Some compilers are very smart and do amazing optimizations, while others may be very dump and do everything very literally. Here is an example of something I encountered during my day job that may or may not help others.
I had code that was intended to adjust power levels, unless any of the four power generators hit a maximum level. It looked like this:
// Version 1: Do nothing if power limit exceeded.
if ((Power1 > Power1Max) ||
(Power2 > Power2Max) ||
(Power3 > Power3Max) ||
(Power4 > Power4Max))
// Max power hit. Do nothing.
increasePower ();
Having conditionals lead to nothing seems odd. Wouldn’t it make more sense to check to see if we can do the thing we want to do?
// Version 2: Do something is power limit not exceeded.
if ((Power1 < Power1Max) &&
(Power2 < Power2Max) &&
(Power3 < Power3Max) &&
(Power4 < Power4Max))
increasePower ();
That looks much nicer. Are there any advantages to one versus the other?
For Version 1, the use of “OR” lets the compiler stop checking the moment any of those conditions is met. If Power1 is NOT above the limit, it then checks to see if Power2 is above the limit. If it is, we are done. We already know that one of these items is above, so no need to check the others. This works great for simple logic like this.
For Version 2, the use of “AND” requires all conditions to be met. If we check Power1 and it is below the limit, we then and check Power2. If that one is NOT below, we are done. We know there is no need to check any of the others.
Those sure look the same to me, and Version 2 seems easier to read.
The first example is basically saying “here is why we won’t do something” while the second example is “here is why we WILL do something.”
Does it matter?
To be continued…