Atari VCS/2600 Adventure “Every Object Challenge”

Here is my entry in the Atari Adventure Every Object Challenge:

This 1980 Atari VCS/2600 game included:

  • 8 movable objects (sword, magnet, black key, white key, gold keys, chalice, bridge, and the hidden dot used to access the hidden room)
  • 4 enemies (red dragon, yellow dragon, green dragon, and bat)

The challenge is to see how many of these objects you can collect on one screen.

You have to play game variant 2 or 3 in order to have access to all the objects.

There are three ways I can think of to accomplish this. The video above shows the results on a method I felt was the easiest, though maybe most time consuming.

If you want to try, you can play the game in a web-based Atari emulator. Here’s one on the website of the game’s author, Warren Robinett:

NOTE: Any time there are more than three objects on the screen, they start flickering. It gets really bad with all the objects on one screen and makes it impossible to take a screen shot showing them all at the same time (since only a few can be drawn at the same time). Thus, a video is required for proof. Be sure to include the hash tag #EveryObjectChallenge with your video post.

Have you played Atari today?

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