My first computer was a Commodore VIC-20. I used it to do TV titles for my dad’s fishing videos (he shot and edited video that would run at trade shows and such). I can’t find the tape of those VIC-20 graphics, but I did find this:
This was my version of the CHUG (Commodore Houston User’s Group) logo, done on the VIC-20 Super Expander cartridge. That cartridge added 3K of extra RAM, and had a ROM that gave new commands to do things like draw lines, play music, etc.
I also found a few other things, but I don’t think I had anything to do with them. (Unless I did the face graphic. That one, and as second version of it I found later, seem very familiar.)
The face one would draw the circles around the eyes, then un-draw them, over and over. Not really “blinking” but…
My quest for recovering my early VIC-20 games continues…
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