At another side-project site of mine I have been doing a multi-park review of a “chainless” bike. Instead of a chain, it uses a shaft. Instead of a derailleur, it uses an internal hub. The concept of a chainless bike is very, very old, but Dynamic Bicycles in Rhode Island has taken the idea and updated it with modern technology.
If you have any interest in biking tech, drop by and check out this review:
The Dynamic Bicycles Runabout 8 model is a hybrid bike (meaning it’s bigger/heavier than a street bike, but not quite a mountain bike). Getting rid of the chain solves a ton of problems/challenges with maintaining/tuning a traditional bike. Very cool.
Dymanic Bikes in Rhode Island does not appear to be in the retail business anymore. Do you know anyone who is retailing these bikes in 2019?
I do not. They changed to chain bike rentals shortly after I got mine. The UK Dynamic Bikes site was still around and looked active, but they didn’t respond to my emails so I don’t know. It’s a shame. I love my chainless.