This past weekend, the Glenside Color Computer Club in Illinois hosted the 22nd annual “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST! It was held at a new location which I think was the same place the Vintage Computer Festival had used recently.
For those who couldn’t attend, I have some DVDs available from the 2009 and 2010 event. They primarily contain interviews with various vendors and attendees, and some footage of the festival — clips from the No Minimum Bid Auction and such. There is often shocking footage of our Saturday Night Music Jam, where tuning is optional and no one knows the words.
The 2009 DVD also contains my fest trip report and digital photos as bonus DVD-ROM content. The brand-new 2010 DVD contains more video (about 96 minutes) but there was no room for the bonus content.
If you want a copy, $5 each is all it takes, and if you don’t mind, throw in $1 for shipping. You can PayPal me at
I am being sent some video from the past years I missed, and hope to bring out some more discs in the near future. Some clips will be posted to YouTube, but I am hoping to raise money from selling DVDs so I can maintain my Glenside club membership and such.