Category Archives: Challenge

Tackling the Logiker 2022 Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge – part 1

See also: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6 and part 7.

Here we go again! Over in the Facebook Color Computer group, David M. shared a link to this year’s Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge from Logiker. Although I did not submit an entry, I did play with last year’s challenge on my TRS-80 Color Computer.

Last year, it was this:

This year, the challenge is a bit more challenging. Per the challenge website, here is sample code for Commodore:

 10 print"{clear}"
 20 print""
 30 print""
 40 print""
 50 print"               *       *"
 60 print"               **     **"
 70 print"               ***   ***"
 80 print"               **** ****"
 90 print"           *****************"
100 print"            ***************"
110 print"             *************"
120 print"              ***********"
130 print"               *********"
140 print"              ***********"
150 print"             *************"
160 print"            ***************"
170 print"           *****************"
180 print"               **** ****"
190 print"               ***   ***"
200 print"               **     **"
210 print"               *       *"
220 goto 220

Starting with that un-optimized version, I will change it to work on the CoCo 1/2/3’s 32-column screen by adjusting it to be properly centered on that display.

 10 CLS
 50 PRINT"           *       *"
 60 PRINT"           **     **"
 70 PRINT"           ***   ***"
 80 PRINT"           **** ****"
 90 PRINT"       *****************"
100 PRINT"        ***************"
110 PRINT"         *************"
120 PRINT"          ***********"
130 PRINT"           *********"
140 PRINT"          ***********"
150 PRINT"         *************"
160 PRINT"        ***************"
170 PRINT"       *****************"
180 PRINT"           **** ****"
190 PRINT"           ***   ***"
200 PRINT"           **     **"
210 PRINT"           *       *"
220 GOTO 220

Unfortunately, this design is 17 rows tall, and the CoCo’s standard display is only 16. It won’t fit:

We should still be able to enter the challenge by having the program print this pattern, even if it scrolls off the screen a bit. To get one extra line there, we can get rid of the line feed at the end of the final PRINT statement in line 210 by adding a semi-colon to the end:

210 PRINT"           *       *";

And so it begins…

And so it begins

The goal is to make this as small as possible. There were many ways to approach last year’s Christmas tree challenge, and you can read about the results and a follow-up with suggestions folks gave to save a byte or two.

A simple thing is to remove the spaces at the front and replace them with the TAB() command:

 10 CLS
 50 PRINTTAB(7)"    *       *"
 60 PRINTTAB(7)"    **     **"
 70 PRINTTAB(7)"    ***   ***"
 80 PRINTTAB(7)"    **** ****"
 90 PRINTTAB(7)"*****************"
100 PRINTTAB(7)" ***************"
110 PRINTTAB(7)"  *************"
120 PRINTTAB(7)"   ***********"
130 PRINTTAB(7)"    *********"
140 PRINTTAB(7)"   ***********"
150 PRINTTAB(7)"  *************"
160 PRINTTAB(7)" ***************"
170 PRINTTAB(7)"*****************"
180 PRINTTAB(7)"    **** ****"
190 PRINTTAB(7)"    ***   ***"
200 PRINTTAB(7)"    **     **"
210 PRINTTAB(7)"    *       *";
220 GOTO 220

Although this only looks like it saves a character per line (“TAB(8)” versus “seven spaces”), the code itself will be smaller since the TAB command tokenizes down to one (or maybe two?) bytes.

Also, the ending quote is not needed if it’s the last thing on a line, so they could be removed:

 50 PRINTTAB(7)"    *       *
 60 PRINTTAB(7)"    **     **
 70 PRINTTAB(7)"    ***   ***

That would save one byte per line.

But, each line number consumes 5-bytes on it’s own, so a better way to save space would be to pack the lines together. Each line you eliminate saves five bytes. That would become pretty unreadable though, but let’s do it anyway:

10 CLS:PRINTTAB(7)"    *       *":PRINTTAB(7)"    **     **":PRINTTAB(7)"    ***   ***":PRINTTAB(7)"    **** ****":PRINTTAB(7)"*****************":PRINTTAB(7)" ***************":PRINTTAB(7)"  *************":PRINTTAB(7)"   ***********"
130 PRINTTAB(7)"    *********":PRINTTAB(7)"   ***********":PRINTTAB(7)"  *************":PRINTTAB(7)" ***************":PRINTTAB(7)"*****************":PRINTTAB(7)"    **** ****":PRINTTAB(7)"    ***   ***":PRINTTAB(7)"    **     **"
210 PRINTTAB(7)"    *       *";
220 GOTO 220

That’s quite the unreadable mess!

This could still be made better, since the text lines were kept under the input buffer limitation size, but when you enter that line, BASIC compresses it (tokenizes keywords like PRINT, TAB and GOTO) making it take less space. You can then sometimes EDIT the line, Xtend to the end and type a few more characters.

That may or may not be allowed for the Logiker challenge. And since I want to provide code here you could copy and then load in to an emulator, I’ll keep it to the limit of what you could type in.

In the next installment, I’ll see if my brane can figure out a way to generate this code using program logic rather than brute-force PRINT statements.

Until then…

More CoCo MC6847 VDG chip “draw black” challenge responses.

See also: challenge, responses, and more responses.

Today Sebastian Tepper submitted a solution to the “draw black” challenge. He wrote:

I think this is much faster and avoids unnecessary SETs. Instruction 100 will do the POKE only once per character block.

– Sebastian Tepper, 7/5/2022

The routine he presented (seen in lines 100 and 101) looked like this:

10 CLS
20 FOR A=0 TO 31
30 X=A:Y=A:GOSUB 100
50 GOTO 50
100 IF POINT(X,Y)<0 THEN POKE 1024+Y*16+X/2,143

It did see the criteria of the challenge, correctly drawing a diagonal line from (0,0) down to (31,31) on the screen. And, it was fast.

POINT() will return -1 if the location is not a graphics character. On the standard CLS screen, the screen is filled with character 96 — a space. (That’s the value you use to POKE to the screen, but when printing, it would be CHR$(32) instead.) His code would simply figure out which screen character contained the target pixel, and POKE it to 143 before setting the pixel.

So I immediately tried to break it. I wondered what would happen if it was setting two pixels next to each other in the same block. What would RESET do?

I added a few lines to the original test program so it drew the diagonal line in both directions PLUS draw a box (with no overlapping corners). My intent was to make it draw a horizontal line on an even pixel line, and odd pixel line, and the same for verticals. It looks like this (and the original article has been updated):

10 CLS
20 FOR A=0 TO 15

30 X=A:Y=A:GOSUB 100
31 X=15-A:Y=16+A:GOSUB 100

32 X=40+A:Y=7:GOSUB 100
33 X=40+A:Y=24:GOSUB 100

34 X=39:Y=8+A:GOSUB 100
35 X=56:Y=8+A:GOSUB 100

50 GOTO 50

And this did break Sebastian’s routine… and he immediately fixed it:

100 IF POINT(X,Y)<0 THEN POKE 1024+INT(Y/2)*32+INT(X/2),143

I haven’t looked at what changed, but I see it calculates the character memory location by dividing Y by two (and making sure it’s an integer with no floating point decimals — so for 15 becomes 7 rather than 7.5), and then adds half of X. (Screen blocks are half as many as the SET/RESET pixels).

And it works. And it works well — all cases are satisfied.

And if that wasn’t enough, some optimizations came next:

And for maximum speed you could change line 100 from:

100 IF POINT(X,Y)<0 THEN POKE 1024+INT(Y/2)*32+INT(X/2),143


100 IFPOINT(X,Y)<.THEN POKE&H400+INT(Y/2)*&H20+INT(X/2),&H8F

To time the difference, I added these extra lines:

15 TIMER=0



This lowers execution time from 188 to 163 timer units, i.e., down to 87% of the original time.

– Sebastian Tepper, 7/5/2022

Any time I see TIMER in the mix, I get giddy.

Spaces had been removed, 0 was changed to . (which BASIC will see a much faster-to-parse zero), and integer values were changed to base-16 hex values.

Also, in doing speed tests about the number format I verified that using hexadecimal numbers was more convenient only when the numbers in question have two or more digits.

– Sebastian Tepper, 7/5/2022


Perhaps final improvement could be to change the screen memory location from 1024/&H400 to a variable set to that value, the multiplication value of 32/&h20, as well as the 143/&H8F. Looking up a variable, if there are not too many of them in the list before the ones you’re looking up, can be even faster.

Using the timer value of 163 for our speed to beat, first I moved that extra space just to see if it mattered. No change.

Then I declared three new variables, and used DIM to put them in the order I wanted them (the A in the FOR/NEXT loop initially being the last):

11 DIM S,C,W,A
12 S=1024:W=32:C=143

No change. I still got 163. So I moved A to the start. A is used more than any other variable, so maybe that will help:

11 DIM A,S,C,W

No change — still 163.

Are there any other optimizations we could try? Let us know in the comments.

Thank you for this contribution, Sebastian. I admire your attention to speed.

Until next time…

CoCo MC6847 VDG chip “draw black” challenge responses.

See also: challenge, responses, and more responses.

Recently, I was annoyed to find that there did not seem to be any way to set a black pixel on the CoCo’s normal green background. I have since been schooled in the simplest way to make this work, which I will share after a long digressing ramble.

Never the Same Color Twice

The CoCo’s MC6847 VDG chip provides nine colors. Commenter Jason wrote:

“It always bothered me that the CoCo had nine colors in semi-graphics modes. The number nine should raise a red flag for anyone who is familiar with computers and the tendencies for things to be powers of two.

“It’s interesting that seven of the eight colors are from the NTSC test pattern ( which leads me to believe they’re all a particular frequency distance from each other. This would make the circuitry simpler.”

– Jason

I suppose it’s actually eight foregrounds colors with a black background, which matches the black border of the screen. There was even a test pattern program included in one of Radio Shack’s quick reference guide that I still have:

Color Adjustment Test Display

5 FOR X = 0 TO 63
10 FOR Y = 0 TO 31
15 C = INT(X/8+1)
20 SET(X,Y,C)
30 GOTO 30

That produces the following output, showing the eight possible colors (plus the black background):

Color Adjustment Test Display, Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer Quick Reference Guide, page 55.

And here is the NTSC test pattern Jason referenced:

By Denelson83 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

This made me want to alter the program to make it render something with the matching colors in the correct order (and with the Xroar emulator set to not emulate a crappy 1980s RF modulated TV signal):

The 7 NTSC color bar colors that the CoCo produces.

The extra color that is not shown is orange. I wonder why those eight colors (plus black) were chosen? And what makes the colors used by the two PMODE high res graphics screens? I’ll have to revisit that in the future.

But I digress…

You can’t, even if you SET your mind to it

My original article was written because I noticed you couldn’t SET a black pixel on a normal CoCo text screen. Even though the manual listed nine colors, with zero being black, attempting to do SET(X,Y,0) would result in that pixel being set to the green background color instead of black — the same as SET(X,Y,1). While other colors acted as you expected…

CoCo SET command.

SET seemed to be treating color 0 (black) as 1 (green). Because reasons.

In order to SET a black pixel on the normal text screen, extra code would be needed.

Ciaran Anscomb

Xroar emulator author Ciaran Anscomb was the first to respond with his GOSUB routine to achieve the desired effects:

I mean I think you’re making it harder by asking for it to work with
plain CLS and not CLS1, but in that case:

100 IFPEEK(1024+INT(Y/2)*32+INT(X/2))<128THENPOKE1024+INT(Y/2)*32+INT(X/2),143

– Ciaran Anscomb

His method would PEEK the character value at the 2×2 block that was being SET and, if that value was less than 128, it would change it to 143 and then use RESET… And it works:

10 CLS
20 FOR A=0 TO 31
30 X=A:Y=A:GOSUB 100
50 GOTO 50
99 ' Ciaran Anscomb
100 IFPEEK(1024+INT(Y/2)*32+INT(X/2))<128THENPOKE1024+INT(Y/2)*32+INT(X/2),143

Jim Gerrie

BASIC programmer extroidinaire Jim Gerrie provided his take on this routine:

100 SET(X,Y,1):SET(X-(X/2-INT(X/2)=.),Y,1):SET(X-(X/2-INT(X/2)=.),Y-(Y/2-INT(Y/2)=.),1):SET(X,Y-(Y/2-INT(Y/2)=.),1)

– Jim Gerrie

His version sets some pixels to color 1, and some to color 0 (using the “.” shortcut), based on some math with X and Y and divisions and integer conversions and … well, stuff I don’t grasp.

His also works! But as it draws, you can see it blipping surrounding pixels in the 2×2 block on then off. And while it passes the test case which drew a diagonal line, it doesn’t allow for setting arbitrary pixels near each other. They turn into full blocks.

However, he also added a second attempt:

I know that my first suggestion above is a bit of a cheat. Here’s a more robust suggestion:

10 CLS
20 FOR A=0 TO 31
30 X=A:Y=A:GOSUB 100
50 GOTO 50
100 IFPOINT(X,Y)<.THENXX=(X/2-INT(X/2)=.)-(X/2-INT(X/2)>.):YY=(Y/2-INT(Y/2)=.)-(Y/2-INT(Y/2)>.):SET(X,Y,1):SET(X-XX,Y,1):SET(X-XX,Y-YY,1):SET(X,Y-YY,1)

– Jim Gerrie

This version passes the test as well, and looks like it better handles setting pixels at any position without impacting pixels around it.

What’s the POINT?

Ciaran made use of PEEK to detect what was on the screen before adding something new, and Jim figured out what pixels to set back to the background color. Neither did it the way I was expecting — using POINT:

POINT (X,Y) Tests whether specified graphics cell is on or off, x (horizontal) = 0-63; y (vertical) = 0-31. The value returned is -1 if the cell is in a text character mode; 0 if it is off, or the color code If it is on, See CLS for color codes.


I expected I’d see folks use this to see if a pixel was set, and handle accordingly. Somehow. But as I read this description (from the Quick Reference Guide), I see that note that says “The value returned is -1 if the cell is in a text character mode.”

Text character mode? It’s just the background, isn’t it?

All green backgrounds are not the same

And that takes me back to Ciaran’s code:

IF PEEK(1024+INT(Y/2)*32+INT(X/2))<128 . . .

Less than 128 is a text character. The graphics blocks (2×2) start as 128. If the square is a text character then set it to 143. So what is that? That is a 2×2 graphics block that has all pixels set to the green color. And that green color is the same color as the background screen. Which isn’t 143 when you use CLS. Try this:


If you clear the screen then PEEK to see what value is at the top left character (1024), it returns 96. 96 is the space character (yeah, ASCII is 32, but values in screen memory aren’t ASCII).

Ciaran’s code sees if it’s anything (including that green space), set it to 143, which is a green block that looks the same. Try this:


That will print 143. Yet, visually, CLS and CLS 1 look the same. But, CLS is filling the screen with the space text character (96) and CLS 1 fills it with the green graphics character (143)! CLS 0-8 fill the screen with solid graphics characters, and CLS with no parameter is the space.

Now, I knew about character 143 looking like the normal space but not being one, because we used to use this as a cheap “copy protection” method. On DISK, you could save out a file like this:


…and you’d get a file on BASIC called HELLO.BAS. But, if you did this:


…Disk BASIC would write out a file called HELLO(char 143).BAS. When you did a DIR they would look the same, but you couldn’t do a LOAD”HELLO.BAS” to get the one with the CHR$(143) in it. Unless you exempted the disk directory bytes you would not know there was an “invisible” character at the end of the “HELLO” filename.

Sneaky. And I did this with some of my own programs.

But years later, when the CoCo 3 came out, it’s 40 and 80 column screen did NOT support the 2×2 graphics block characters, and this trick was no longer as sneaky since you would see “HELLO(some funky character).BAS” in the directory listing and know something weird had been done.

But I digress, again…

Why do it the hard way, anyway?

It turns out, even though I knew about the “add CHR$(143)” trick, I had forgotten (or never knew/realized) that CLS and CLS 1 filled the screen with different characters. And, if the screen has a graphics character at the position, RESET will then work to change that pixel back to black.

Ciaran got me exploring this because in his e-mail he added:

If you allow CLS1, the problem solves itself :)

– Ciaran Anscomb

I had to follow up and ask what he meant by this. And, well, nevermrind, then. All I needed to do was start the program with CLS 1 instead of CLS 0, and then I could use RESET() to set individual black pixels on the screen.

I could have a subroutine that expect X, Y and C (for color) and if the color was 0 (black), do a RESET, else do a SET:

10 CLS 1
20 FOR A=0 TO 31
30 X=A:Y=A:C=0:GOSUB 100
50 GOTO 50

And that works fine on any CLS 0-8 screen. Remember, SET(X,Y,0) never gives you a black pixel. 0 seems to mean “background color” instead, while RESET(X,Y) seems to mean “set to black”.

To me, this is a bit counterintuitive, since today I would expect “reset” to mean “set to background color” but this isn’t a graphics mode — it’s just graphics characters on a screen, so the only way BASIC could have done this is if it remembered what the CLS # value was, and made RESET set to that color. Which would be extra ROM space for a simple enhancement that most could work around with RESET instead.

And that, my friends, is how a rabbit hole works.

Until next time…

Color BASIC challenge: ball bouncing WITHOUT any IFs?

It seems like all I’m doing lately is regurgitating things that Robin of 8-Bit Show and Tell has already done.

So let’s do that again.

Don’t blame me. Blame YouTube!

YouTube did what YouTube does and it showed me another of Robin’s well-done videos. This one caught my attention because it dealt with the Commodore VIC-20 and its Super Expander cartridge.

The main thing that pulled me away from Commodore was seeing the TRS-80 Color Computer’s Extended Color BASIC. The CoCo had simple commands to play music and draw lines, boxes and circles. It also had this wondrous ELSE command I’d only heard rumors about.

On the VIC-20, it seemed you needed to use POKE and PEEK for just about anything graphics or sound related. Thus I gave up a computer with programmable characters and a hardware sound chip for a machine that had neither. On my new CoCo, at least I could draw a circle and play music without needing pages of DATA statements and cryptic PEEKS and POKEs.

Commodore was aware of this shortcoming, and they sold the Super Expander as a way to make up for it. Not only did it provide an extra 3K of memory (giving a whopping 6.5K for BASIC), it also added new commands to do “high resolution” graphics including drawing lines and circles, as well as ways to PRINT music using simple notation.

I used the Super Expander to do TV titles for fishing videos my father shot and edited. It was a thrill to see my VIC-20 graphics on TV screens at the Houston Boat Show.

But no one else could run my programs unless they had purchased the Super Expander as well.

But I digress.

(And besides, the Commodore 64 was $600 when it came out, and I was able to get a 64K CoCo 1 for $300 at the time.)

Don’t blame YouTube. Blame Twitter.

Robin’s video was making use of the Super Expander to let the VIC-20 solve a challenge initiated by Twitter user Dataram_57. On June 8th, 2019, they wrote:

This was, more or less, a classic bouncing ball program very much like the ones I have been writing about lately. But, all mine certainly made use of IF. Here’s how mine started:

0 REM bounce.bas
10 CLS:X=0:Y=0:XM=1:YM=1
20 PRINT@Y*32+X,"O";
30 X=X+XM:IF X<1 OR X>30 THEN XM=-XM
40 Y=Y+YM:IF Y<1 OR Y>13 THEN YM=-YM
50 GOTO 20

That’s not a very good example. It doesn’t erase itself, nor does it use the bottom line to avoid screen scrolling when the ball hits the bottom right position. It does show how I would use X and Y coordinates then an XM (X movement) and YM (Y movement) variable to increment or decrement them based on if they hit an edge.

The parameters of Dataram_57’s challenge were as follows:

  • Width: 90
  • Height: 80
  • Starting Position: 0,0
  • Time: ???

I wrote a quick graphical program do do this using my X/Y/XM/YM method:

0 REM dataram_57 twitter challenge
1 POKE 65495,0
10 W=89:H=79:X=0:Y=0:T=0:XM=1:YM=1
30 LINE(0,0)-(89,79),PSET,BF
40 PSET(X,Y,0)
70 T=T+1:IF T=7031 THEN END
80 GOTO 40

The first thing to notice is that I draw a filled box from 0,0 to 89,79 and then set black pixels in it. This lets me visually verify my line is going all the way to the edge of the 90×80 target area. Also, I am using the CoCo 1/2 double speed poke since this is time consuming. If you do this on a CoCo 3, feel free to use POKE 65497,0 instead.

Twitter user Dataram_57’s challenge running on a CoCo.

Eventually the area should be entirely black when every dot has been erased.

How long has this been going on?

I did some tests and figured out that it takes 7032 iterations (0-7031) for the dot to cycle through the entire 90×80 area before it has erased all the other dots.

With that in mind, I propose we turn this into both a logic and optimization challenge. On the CoCo, let’s see if we can use the PMODE 0 screen (128×96 resolution with 1 color). We can put this in a modified version of benchmark framework for 7032 cycles and see how fast we can do it. (By modified, I am removing the outer “try this three times and average the results” loop.)

My example, using IFs, looks like this:

0 REM dataram_57 twitter challenge 2
1 POKE 65495,0

15 W=89:H=79:X=0:Y=0:XM=1:YM=1
17 LINE(0,0)-(89,79),PSET,BF

20 FORA=0TO7030

30 PSET(X,Y,0)


Mine, running in Xroar, displays 9808 at the end. And it’s not the correct way to meet the requirements of the challenge, so … the real versions may be faster, or slower.

Your challenge, should you decide to accept it…

Our challenge is to:

  1. Rewrite this to work WITHOUT using any “IFs”.
  2. Try to make it as fast as possible while keeping the benchmark code (lines 5, 10, 20, 80 and 90) intact. You can add variables to the DIM, but otherwise leave those lines alone.

What says you?

Credit where credit is due…

And lastly, for those who want to cheat, here is the solution that Robin came up with using the VIC-20 Super Expander cartridge…

Is his the only way? The best way? The fastest way?

Let the regurgitated challenge begin!

Until next time…

Color BASIC optimization challenge – attempts

See also: part 1

My original “nicer to read, slower to run” version took 25.28 seconds to run. Here are some things that can speed it up.

RENUMber by 1

Renumbering the program by 1 can save program memory (since “GOTO 77” takes less space than “GOTO 1500”, and if the program is large enough, you get a slight speed increase since it’s also less work to parse shorter line numbers. But this program is too small for this to matter.

Remove comments / avoid comments at the end of lines

Removing comments, in general, is a good way to make a program smaller (and thus, a bit faster since BASIC will have less lines to skip). But, as I found out, comments at the end of lines are a real problem, since BASIC cannot just skip the entire line like it can if the line starts with a comment:


20 X=42

The second version is faster, since even though BASIC has to scan an extra line, it can immediately skip it, while the first example must be parsed, character-by-character, to find the end of that line. But for this example, this did not help. It would have, if there were more GOTOs to earlier line numbers, since they would have to parse through a few lines with end comments, which would be slower. Since our looping was done with a FOR/NEXT, we didn’t have to do that.

Remove unnecessary spaces

Spaces are great for readability, but bad for code size and speed. There are only a few times when a space is needed, such as when BASIC can’t tell if the next character is a keyword or part of a variable:

10 IF A=B THEN 100

BASIC must have the space between the variable and the keyword THEN, else the parser isn’t sure if the variable is “B” or “BT” followed by the characters HEN. BUT, if it’s a number, it can figure it out:

10 IFA=42THEN100

Removing all other spaces reduces the amount of code BASIC has to parse through. My program had plenty of spaces. Removing them in this tiny program only reduced it to 25.15 seconds, but it can have a bigger impact on larger programs.

Combine lines

This one is easy. The less lines BASIC has to scan through, the quicker it will run. But, there are exceptions to this. Any time BASIC has to do more work at the end of a line, such as checking an ELSE, if that condition is not satisfied, BASIC has to scan forward character-by-character to get to the end of the line:


Above, if X is 42, the ELSE code will not be ran. BUT, before the program can find 100, it has to scan through all the rest of the bytes in that line to find the end of it, then it continues scanning a line at a time looking for 100. Based on line lengths, sometime it might be faster to do:

10 IF X=42 THEN 100

Combining lines in the program reduced the speed slightly to 25.13 seconds. The more code, the more you save by doing this (and it makes the program smaller, since every line number takes up space).

NEXT without variable

Unless you are doing really weird stuff with FOR/NEXT loops, it’s faster to leave off the variable in the NEXT. For example:

10 FOR A=1 TO 10:NEXT A

…will be slower than:

10 FOR A=1 TO 10:NEXT

NEXT without a variable will go to the most recent FOR anyway, so this works fine:

10 FOR A=1 TO 10
20 FOR B=1 TO 20

For this program, just removing the variables from NEXT A and NEXT Z increased the speed to 24.66 seconds.

Use HEX instead of decimal

It takes much more work to convert base-10 (i.e., “normal”) decimal numbers than it does to convert base-16 (hex) values. Every time a number is encountered, time can be saved by simply changing the number to a HEX — even though a hex digit has to start with “&H”. It will make the program larger, since 15 takes less bytes than &HF. For this example, it reduced time down to 21.66 seconds!

Pre-render strings

If you have to PRINT a generated string more than once, you are better off pre-rendering that string first so it only gets generated one time. This includes using things like STRING$, CHR$, etc. For example:

10 PRINT CHR$(128);"HELLO";CHR$(128)

Each time BASIC has to print that, it allocates a new string a few times and copies things over. See my string theory article for more details. For this program, I use STRING$() to generate a repeating block of characters. But, since it’s in a loop to print the block, it generates the same string over and over for each line of the block. Instead of this:

10 FOR A=1 TO 10
20 PRINT STRING$(10,128)

…I could generate that string ahead of time and just print it in the loop:

5 LN$=STRING$(10,128)
10 FOR A=1 TO 10

In this program, doing this trick reduces the time to 20.98 seconds! String are slow, you see…

The time savings so far…

Combining all of these (the ones that matter, at least), reduces time taken down to 18.45 seconds – saving 6.83 seconds overall.

Here is what it looks like, with the stuff outside of the benchmark timing loop left alone:

0 REM scale.bas
10 SW=32/4 ' SCALE WIDTH
30 SM=.1   ' SCALE INC/DEC
40 S=.5    ' SCALE FACTOR
70 TM=TIMER:FOR Z=1 TO 100
170 NEXT
180 ' 60=NTSC 50=PAL

If we’d done any GOTO/GOSUBing to earlier lines, that would have to scan through those lines with ending REMarks, so cleaning all that up would be useful. If this was a larger program, RENUMbering by 1s might also squeak out a bit more speed.

But wait! There’s more!

I originally wrote this follow-up the evening that I wrote the original article. However, several folks have contributed their own optimizations. Let’s see what they did…

First, we go to the comments of the original article…

George Phillips – inner loop optimization

My current best effort is going full strength reduction on the inner loop. Replace lines 120 to 170 with:


The STRING$ requires Extended Color Basic which starts at a baseline of 20.4 seconds and those changes get it down to 13.

George Phillips

George pre-rendered the string, removed spaces, and vastly sped things up by simplifying the math. On Xroar, it reports 16.15 – faster than any of my efforts. Nice job!

I took his updated code and converted the integers to HEX and that dropped it to 15.1 seconds! Even faster.

Jason Pittman – hex and start row calculation

Interestingly, changing the blue square value on line 130 to hex (“&HAF”) saves about 11.5% for me (27.55 to 24.33). Then, moving the row start calculation out of the print statement takes it down to 22.87.

120 FOR A=32 TO H*32 STEP 32
140 NEXT A

Jason Pittman

Ah, the magic of hex! Jason did a similar trick with the row calculation. I tried Jason’s updates, and it was 20.28 on my Xroar. George is still in the lead.

Adam – DIM, reductions and variable substituion

So I was able to cut out 5 seconds doing the following:
– DIM all variables
– Adding variables for constants (2, 32, etc.) for lines 130, 160.
– Removing the math in lines 10, 20.
– Removing the variables after NEXT.
– Removing all remarks.

No change to the original algorithm or PRINT line.

Coco3 (6309): Original code = 27.15s. Optimized code 22.13s.
With high speed poke: 11.05s. :D

I’m intrigued with the post that mentioned using HEX values. I may have to try that.


Ah! Using a variable rather than a constant can be significantly faster. I didn’t think about that, even though I’ve previously benchmarked and tested that. He adds:

I just put the STRING$ statement into a variable as suggested by George Phillips. That took out another 2 seconds! I also ran RENUM 1,,1. Run time is down from 27.2 s to 20.1 s.



It looks like George has gotten us all thinking. I don’t have Adam’s code to test, but I am going to experiment with replacing the constants with variables and see what that does.

Ciaran Anscomb – uh… not really sure!

The author of Xroar chimes in:

So I cheated and read the comments on your page and combined some of those techniques (and replace /2 with  *1/2, forgot about that…).

13.1s?  Not quite double speed, but not bad :)

0 REM scale.bas
3 ‘ 60=NTSC 50=PAL
100 DIMW,H,A$,A,B,C,L,Q,R,E,M,Z
110 I=32/4 ‘ SCALE WIDTH
120 J=16/3 ‘ SCALE HEIGHT
130 D=.1   ‘ SCALE INC/DEC
140 S=.5   ‘ SCALE FACTOR
150 W=I*S:H=J*S
160 Q=I*D:R=J*D
170 L=32:M=&H64
180 B=1/2:C=&HAF:E=15


Ciaran Anscomb

Ciaran reorganized the code, placing initialization at the end. This is a habbit I need to get into since GOTO/GOSUB to an earlier line number have to start at the FIRST line of the program and scan forward EVERY TIME. Code that only needs to run once, if placed at the top, slows down every GOTO to an earlier line number.

I just ran this and got 13.13 seconds!

There is alot to dissect here. Numbers are replaced with variables. Stuff is pre-calculated. And he’s using a variable for the end of a FOR/NEXT, for some reason. I’m going to have to dig in to that one.

Twice as fast, indeed!

I feel like there were a few more responses, but I can’t locate them at the moment, so maybe there will be a second attempt article down the line.

Until next time, kudos to all of you for giving me new things to consider — especially Ciaran with that amazing improvement. Very impressive.

Color BASIC optimization challenge – scaling

Prerequisite: Optimizing Color BASIC series

Here is a simple Color BASIC program that will scale blue box on the screen from small to large then back, going through the scaling processes 100 times.

0 REM scale.bas
10 SW=32/4 ' SCALE WIDTH
30 SM=.1   ' SCALE INC/DEC
40 S=.5    ' SCALE FACTOR
70 TM=TIMER:FOR Z=1 TO 100
80 W=INT(SW*S)
90 H=INT(SH*S)
100 P=15-INT(W/2)+(7-INT(H/2))*32
110 CLS
120 FOR A=1 TO H
130 PRINT@P+A*32,STRING$(W,175)
140 NEXT A
150 S=S+SM
160 IF H<1 OR H>15 THEN SM=-SM:S=S+(SM*2)
170 NEXT Z
180 ' 60=NTSC 50=PAL

After this runs, it will report the approximate number of seconds it took. It does this by resetting the TIMER at the start, then printing the current TIMER value divided by 60 (since the CoCo timer is based on the NTSC video interrupt that happens 60 times a second).

NOTE: If you run this on a PAL system, you will need to change the 60 to a 50 in line 190. (edit: thanks, George P., for catching my typo.)

On the Xroar emulator running on my Mac it reports 25.25 seconds.

Color BASIC scaling demo.

Your challenge, should you decide to accept it, is to take this code and make it run faster.


  1. You must leave the basic algorithm intact (the SW, SH, S and SH stuff with all the math). You can rename variables, change the representation of values, speed up PRINTing, etc. but the core program flow should remain the same.
  2. For bonus points, you are welcome to rewrite the program (in BASIC) to improve upon the algorithm in any way that makes sense, provided it achieves the same results (including the 1 to 100 benchmark loop).

There are some very (very!) simple things that can be done to dramatically improve the speed to his code.

Feel free to share your efforts in the comments. If you post your code, be sure to post the resulting time, too.

Good luck!