Well, this is a mind bender.
loop loop %key$=inkey$ endloop unless (%key$="") print asc(%key$) endloop
…can be processed by a script to turn into:
10 KE$=INKEY$:IF KE$="" THEN 10 20 PRINT ASC(KE$) 30 GOTO 10
Mind blown. Jerry Stratton has created SuperBASIC for the TRS-80 Color Computer. It processes a text file written in a more modern-looking scripting language and turns it into Color BASIC.
It adds keywords like loop, switch/case, sub, etc. that then get turned into BASIC that does the same thing.
Check it out and see what you think:
It would be really cool if we could get all these tools integrated into a cross platform editor (such as Microsoft’s VS Code).
Until next time…