Modern ports of CoCo games.


  • 2014/03/08: More games added.
  • 2015/03/20: Added Caladuril Flame of Light (thanks to a comment from Hugo).
  • 2017/01/20: Added Bouncy Ball NG by Lee Patterson.

I previously mentioned that my first home computer was a Commodore VIC-20 in 1982. A year later I would be running a Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer (“CoCo”), expanded to 64K by a local Houston CoCo guru named Don Burr. I stuck with that computer (then a CoCo 2, and finally a CoCo 3) and was still using it as a primary machine until around the end of 1995 when I bought my first modern PC laptop (a Toshiba) so I could use the world wide web.

But I digress…

In recent years, it seems several Color Computer programs have been ported or recreated on other systems. I thought it might be fun to share the list I have so far.

Know of any others? Let me know and I will keep updating this page.

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