Category Archives: C Programming

Short circuiting of C comparisons

In a language like C, you often have multiple ways to accomplish the same thing. In general, the method you use shouldn’t matter if the end result is the same.

For example:

// This way:

if (a == 1)
else if (a == 2)

// Versus that way:

switch (a)
   case 1:

   case 2:


Both of those do the same thing, though the code they generate to do the same thing may be different.

We might not care which one we use unless we are needing to optimize for code space, memory usage or execution speed.

Optimizing for these things can be done by trail-and-error testing, but there is no guarantee that the method that worked best on the Arduino 16-bit processor and GCC compiler will be the same for a 64-BIT ARM processor and CLANG compiler.

If you ever do make a choice like this, just be sure to leave a comment explaining why you did it in case your code ever gets ported to a different architecture or compiler.

Short circuiting

Many things in C are compiler-specific, and are not part of the C standard. Some compilers are very smart and do amazing optimizations, while others may be very dump and do everything very literally. Here is an example of something I encountered during my day job that may or may not help others.

I had code that was intended to adjust power levels, unless any of the four power generators hit a maximum level. It looked like this:

// Version 1: Do nothing if power limit exceeded.
if ((Power1 > Power1Max) ||
    (Power2 > Power2Max) ||
    (Power3 > Power3Max) ||
    (Power4 > Power4Max))
   // Max power hit. Do nothing.
   increasePower ();

Having conditionals lead to nothing seems odd. Wouldn’t it make more sense to check to see if we can do the thing we want to do?

// Version 2: Do something is power limit not exceeded.
if ((Power1 < Power1Max) &&
    (Power2 < Power2Max) &&
    (Power3 < Power3Max) &&
    (Power4 < Power4Max))
   increasePower ();

That looks much nicer. Are there any advantages to one versus the other?

For Version 1, the use of “OR” lets the compiler stop checking the moment any of those conditions is met. If Power1 is NOT above the limit, it then checks to see if Power2 is above the limit. If it is, we are done. We already know that one of these items is above, so no need to check the others. This works great for simple logic like this.

For Version 2, the use of “AND” requires all conditions to be met. If we check Power1 and it is below the limit, we then and check Power2. If that one is NOT below, we are done. We know there is no need to check any of the others.

Those sure look the same to me, and Version 2 seems easier to read.

The first example is basically saying “here is why we won’t do something” while the second example is “here is why we WILL do something.”

Does it matter?

To be continued…

16-bits don’t always add up.

Consider this simple program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    uint16_t    val1;
    uint16_t    val2;
    uint32_t    result;

    val1 = 40000;
    val2 = 50000;

    result = val1 + val2;

    printf ("%u + %u = %u\n", val1, val2, result);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

What will it print?

On my Windows PC, I see the following:

40000 + 50000 = 90000

…but if I convert the printf() and run the same code on an Arduino:

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

    uint16_t    val1;
    uint16_t    val2;
    uint32_t    result;

    val1 = 40000;
    val2 = 50000;

    result = val1 + val2;

    //printf ("%u + %u = %u\n", val1, val2, result);
    Serial.print(" + ");
    Serial.print(" = ");

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


This gives me:

40000 + 50000 = 24464

…and this was the source of a bug I introduced and fixed at my day job recently.

Tha’s wrong, int’it?

I tend to write alot of code using the GCC compiler since I can work out and test the logic much quicker than repeatedly building and uploading to our target hardware. Because of that, I had “fully working” code that was incorrect for our 16-bit PIC24 processor.

In this case, the addition of “val1 + val2” is being done using native integer types. On the PC, those are 32-bit values. On the PIC24 (and Arduino, shown above), they are 16-bit values.

A 16-bit value can represent 65536 values in the range of 0-65535. If you were to have a value of 65535 and add 1 to it, on a 16-bit variable it would roll over and the result would be 0. In my example, 40000 + 50000 was rolling over 65535 and producing 24464 (which is 90000 – 65536).

You can see this happen using the Windows calculator. By default, it uses DWORD (double word – 32-bit) values. You can do the addition just fine:

You see that 40,000 + 50,000 results in 90,000, which is 0x15F90 in hex. That 0x1xxxx at the start is the rollover. If you switch the calculator in to WORD mode you see it gets truncated and the 0x1xxxx at the start goes away, leaving the 16-bit result:

Can we fix it?

The solution is very simple. In C, any time there is addition which might result in a value larger than the native int type (if you know it), you simply cast the two values being added to a larger data type, such as a 32-bit uint32_t:

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

    uint16_t    val1;
    uint16_t    val2;
    uint32_t    result;

    val1 = 40000;
    val2 = 50000;

    // Without casting (native int types):
    result = val1 + val2;

    //printf ("%u + %u = %u\n", val1, val2, result);
    Serial.print(" + ");
    Serial.print(" = ");

    // Wish casting:
    result = (uint32_t)val1 + (uint32_t)val2;

    Serial.print(" + ");
    Serial.print(" = ");

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Above, I added a second block of code that does the same add, but casting each of the val1 and val2 variables to 32-bit values. This ensures they will not roll over since even the max values of 65535 + 65535 will fit in a 32-bit variable.

The result:

40000 + 50000 = 24464
40000 + 50000 = 90000

Since I know adding any two 16-bit values can be larger than what a 16-bit value can hold (i.e., “1 + 1” is fine, as is “65000 + 535”, but larger values present a rollover problem), it is good practice to just always cast upwards. That way, the code works as intended, whether the native int of the compiler is 16-bits or 32-bits.

As my introduction of this bug “yet again” shows, it is a hard habit to get in to.

Until next time…

I hate floating point.

See also: the 902.1 incident of 2020.

Once again, oddness from floating point values took me down a rabbit hole trying to understand why something was not working as I expected.

Earlier, I had stumbled upon one of the magic values that a 32-bit floating point value cannot represent in C. Instead of 902.1, a float will give you 902.099976… Close, but it caused me issues due to how we were doing some math conversions.

float value = 902.1;
printf ("value = %f\n", value);

To work around this, I switched these values to double precision floating point values and now 902.1 shows up as 902.1:

double value = 902.1;
printf ("value = %f\n", value);

That example will indeed show 902.100000.

This extra precision ended up causing a different issue. Consider this simple code, which took a value in kilowatts and converted it to watts, then converted that to a signed integer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    double kw = 64.60;
    double watts = kw * 1000;

    printf ("kw   : %f\n", kw);

    printf ("watts: %f\n", watts);

    printf ("int32: %d\n", (int32_t)watts);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

That looks simple enough, but the output shows it is not:

kw   : 64.600000
watts: 64600.000000
int32: 64599

Er… what? 64.6 multiplied by 1000 displayed as 64600.00000 so that all looks good, but when converted to a signed 32-bit integer, it turned in to 64599. “Oh no, not again…”

I was amused that, by converting these values to float instead of double it worked as I expected:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    float kw = 64.60;
    float watts = kw * 1000;

    printf ("kw   : %f\n", kw);

    printf ("watts: %f\n", watts);

    printf ("int32: %d\n", (int32_t)watts);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
kw   : 64.599998
watts: 64600.000000
int32: 64600

Apparently, whatever extra precision I was gaining from using double in this case was adding enough extra precision to throw off the conversion to integer.

I don’t know why. But at least I have a workaround.

Until next (floating point problem) time…

C structures and padding and sizeof

This came up at my day job when two programmers were trying to get a block of data to be the size both expected it to be. Consider this example:

typedef struct
    uint8_t     byte1;  // 1
    uint16_t    word1;  // 2
    uint8_t     byte2;  // 1
    uint16_t    word2;  // 2
    uint8_t     byte3;  // 1
                        // 7 bytes
} MyStruct1;

The above structure represents three 8-bit byte values and two 16-bit word values for a total of 7 bytes.

However, if you were to run this code in GCC for Windows, and print the sizeof() that structure, you would see it returns 10:

sizeof(MyStruct1) = 10

This is due to the compiler padding variables so they all start on a 16-bit boundary.

The expected data storage in memory feels like it should be:

[..|..|..|..|..|..|..] = 7 bytes
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  \  /  byte3
 |  |  |  |  word2
 |   \ /  byte2
 |  word1

But, using GCC on a Windows 10 machine shows that each value is stored on a 16-bit boundary, leaving unused padding bytes after the 8-bit values:

[..|xx|..|..|..|xx|..|..|..|xx] = 10 bytes
 |     |  |  |     |  |  |
 |     |  |  |     \  /  byte3
 |     |  |  |     word2
 |      \ /  byte2
 |     word1

As you can see, three extra bytes were added to the “blob” of memory that contains this structure. This is being done so each element starts on an even-byte address (0, 2, 4, etc.). Some processors require this, but if you were using one that allowed odd-byte access, you would likely get a sizeof() 7.

Do not rely on processor architecture

To create portable C, you must not rely on the behavior of how things work on your environment. The same can/will could produce different results on a different environment.

See also: sizeof() matters, where I demonstrated a simple example of using “int” and how it was quite different on a 16-bit Arduino versus a 32/64-bit PC.

Make it smaller

One easy thing to do to reduce wasted memory in structures is to try to group the 8-bit values together. Using the earlier structure example, by simple changing the ordering of values, we can reduce the amount of memory it uses:

typedef struct
    uint8_t     byte1;  // 1
    uint8_t     byte2;  // 1
    uint8_t     byte3;  // 1
    uint16_t    word1;  // 2
    uint16_t    word2;  // 2
                        // 7 bytes
} MyStruct2;

On a Windows 10 GCC compiler, this will produce:

sizeof(MyStruct1) = 8

It is still not the 7 bytes we might expect, but at least the waste is less. In memory, it looks like this:

[..|..|..|xx|..|..|..|..] = 8 bytes
 |  |  |     |  |  \  /
 |  |  |     \  /  word2
 |  |  |     word1
 |  |  byte3
 |  byte2

You can see an extra byte of padding being added after the third 8-bit value. Just out of curiosity, I moved the third byte to the end of the structure like this:

typedef struct
    uint8_t     byte1;  // 1
    uint8_t     byte2;  // 1
    uint16_t    word1;  // 2
    uint16_t    word2;  // 2
    uint8_t     byte3;  // 1
                        // 7 bytes
} MyStruct3;

…but that also produced 8. I believe it is just adding an extra byte of padding at the end (which doesn’t seem necessary, but perhaps memory must be reserved on even byte boundaries and this just marks that byte as used so the next bit of memory would start after it).

[..|..|..|..|..|..|..|xx] = 8 bytes
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  \  /  byte3
 |  |  \  /  word2
 |  |  word1
 |  byte2

Because you cannot ensure how a structure ends up in memory without knowing how the compiler works, it is best to simply not rely or expect a structure to be “packed” with all the bytes aligned like the code. You also cannot expect the memory usage is just the values contained in the structure.

I do frequently see programmers attempt to massage the structure by adding in padding values, such as:

typedef struct
    uint8_t     byte1;    // 1
    uint8_t     padding1; // 1

    uint16_t    word1;    // 2

    uint8_t     byte2;    // 1
    uint8_t     padding2; // 1

    uint16_t    word2;    // 2

    uint8_t     byte3;    // 1
    uint8_t     padding3; // 1
                          // 10 bytes
} MyPaddedStruct1;

At least on a system that aligns values to 16-bits, the structure now matches what we actually get. But what if you used a processor where everything was aligned to 32-bits?

It is always best to not assume. Code written for an Arduino one day (with 16-bit integers) may be ported to a 32-bit Raspberry Pi Pico at some point, and not work as intended.

Here’s some sample code to try. You would have to change the printfs to Serial.println() and change how it prints the sizeof() values, but then you could see what it does on a 16-bit Arduino UNO versus a 32-bit PC or other system.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

typedef struct
    uint8_t     byte1;  // 1
    uint16_t    word1;  // 2
    uint8_t     byte2;  // 1
    uint16_t    word2;  // 2
    uint8_t     byte3;  // 1
                        // 7 bytes
} MyStruct1;

typedef struct
    uint8_t     byte1;  // 1
    uint8_t     byte2;  // 1
    uint8_t     byte3;  // 1
    uint16_t    word1;  // 2
    uint16_t    word2;  // 2
                        // 7 bytes
} MyStruct2;

typedef struct
    uint8_t     byte1;  // 1
    uint8_t     byte2;  // 1
    uint16_t    word1;  // 2
    uint16_t    word2;  // 2
    uint8_t     byte3;  // 1
                        // 7 bytes
} MyStruct3;

int main()
    printf ("sizeof(MyStruct1) = %u\n", (unsigned int)sizeof(MyStruct1));
    printf ("sizeof(MyStruct2) = %u\n", (unsigned int)sizeof(MyStruct2));
    printf ("sizeof(MyStruct3) = %u\n", (unsigned int)sizeof(MyStruct3));

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Until next time…

Arduino Serial output C macros

Here is a quickie.

In Arduino, instead of being able to use things like printf() and puchar(), console output is done by using the Serial library routines. It provides functions such as:


These do not handle any character formatting like printf() does, but they can print strings, characters or numeric values in different formats. Where you might do something like:

int answer = 42;
printf("The answer is %d\r\n", answer);

…the Arduino version would need to be:

int answer = 42;
Serial.print("This answer is ");

To handle printf-style formatting, you can us sprintf() to write the formatted string to a buffer, then use Serial.print() to output that. I found this blog post describing it.

I recently began porting my Arduino Telnet routine over to standard C to use on some PIC24 hardware I have at work. I decided I should revisit my Telnet code and try to make it portable, so the code could be built for Arduino or standard C. This would mean abstracting all console output, since printf() is not used on the Arduino.

I quickly came up with these Arduino-named macros I could use on C:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SERIAL_PRINT(s)     printf(s)
#define SERIAL_PRINTLN(s)   printf(s"\r\n")
#define SERIAL_WRITE(c)     putchar(c)

int main()
    SERIAL_PRINT("1. This is a line");

    SERIAL_PRINTLN("2. This is a second line.");

    SERIAL_PRINT("3. This is a character:");


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Ignoring the Serial.begin() setup code that Arduino requires, this would let me replace console output in the program with these macros. For C, it would use the macros as defined above. For Arduino, it would be something like…

#define SERIAL_PRINT(s)     Serial.print(s)
#define SERIAL_PRINTLN(s)   Serial.println(s)
#define SERIAL_WRITE(c)     Serial.write(c)

By using output macros like that, my code would still look familiar to Arduino folks, but build on a standard C environment (for the most part).

This isn’t the most efficient way to do it, since Arduino code like this…


…would be one printf() in C:

printf ("[%d]\n", val);

But, if I wanted to keep code portable, C can certainly do three separate printf()s to do the same output as Arduino, so we code for the lowest level output.

One thing I don’t do, yet, is handle porting things like:

Serial.print(val, HEX);

On Arduino, that outputs the val variable in HEX. I’m not quite sure how I’d make a portable macro for that, unless I did something like:

#define SERIAL_PRINT_HEX(v) Serial.print(v, HEX)

#define SERIAL_PRINT_HEX(v) printf("%x, v)

That would let me do:


I expect to add more macros as-needed when I port code over. This may be less efficient, but it’s easier to make Arduino-style console output code work on C than the other way around.


C: (too) many happy returns…

Here’s another quick C thing…

One of the jobs I had used a pretty complete coding style guide for C. One of the things they insisted on was only one “return” in any function that returns values. For example:

int function(int x)
      return 100;
      return 200;
      return 0;

The above function returns values 100, 200 or 0 based on the input (1, 2 or anything else). It has three different places where a value is returned. This saves code, compared to doing it like this:

int function(int x)
   int value;

      value = 100;
      value = 200;
      value = 0;

   return value;

Above, you see we use a variable, and then have three places where it could be set, and then we return that value in one spot at the end of the function. This probably generates larger code and would take longer to run than the top example.

But if you can afford those extra bytes and clock cycles, it is a much better way to do this — at least form a maintenance and debugging standpoint.

I have accepted this, but only today did I run in to a situation where this approach would have saved me some time and frustration. In my case, I was encounter a compiler warning about a function not returning a value where it was defined to return a value. I looked and confirmed the function was indeed returning a value. What was going on?

The problem was that it used multiple returns, and did something like this:

int function(int x)
   int value;

   if (!ValueIsValid(x)) return;

      value = 100;
   else if >OMETHING ELSE
      value = 200;
      value = 0;

   return value;

Somewhere in the program was a check that just did a “return” and the compiler was seeing that, but my eyes were looking at the lower portion of the program where a value was clearly being returned.

I am guessing the function originally did not return a value, and when a return value was added later, that initial “return;” was not corrected, leaving a compiler warning. This warning may have been in the code for a long time and was simply left alone because someone couldn’t figure it out (my situation) or wasn’t concerned about compiler warnings.

Today, the warning bugged me enough that I did a deep dive through the function, line-by-line, trying to figure out what was going on. And I found it. A simple correction could have been this:

int function(int x)
   int value;

   if (!ValueIsValid(x)) return 0; // FIXED: Add missing return value.

      value = 100;
      value = 200;
      value = 0;

   return value;

That resolved the compiler warning, but still left two spots where a value was returned, so I ended up doing something like this:

int function(int x)
   int value;

   if (ValueIsValid(x) == true) // do this if valid
      if SOMETHING
         value = 100;
         value = 200;
         value = 0;
   else // Not valid
      value = 0;

   return value;

Now there is only one place the function returns, and it only processeses things if the initial value appears valid.

I will sleep better at night.

I sleep on a soap box.

char versus C versus C#


  • 2020-07-16 – Added a few additional notes.

I am mostly a simple C programmer, but I do touch a bit of C# at my day job.

If you don’t think about what is going on behind the scenes, languages like Java and C# are quite fun to work with. For instance, if I was pulling bytes out of a buffer in C, I’d have to write all the code manually. For example:

Buffer: [ A | B | C | D | D | E | E | E | E ]

Let’s say I wanted to pull three one-byte values out of the buffer (A, B and C), followed by a two-byte value (DD), and a four byte value (EEEE). There are many ways to do this, but one lazy way (which breaks if the data is written on a system with different endianness to how data is stored) might be:

#include <stdint.h>

uint8_t a, b, c;
uint16_t d;
uint32_t e;

a = Buffer[0];
b = Buffer[1];
c = Buffer[2];
memcpy (&d, &Buffer[3], 2);
memcpy (&e, &Buffer[5], 4);

There is much to critique about this example, but this post is not about being “safe” or “portable.” It is just an example.

In C#, I assume there are many ways to achieve this, but the one I was exposed to used a BitConverter class that can pull bytes from a buffer (array of bytes) and load them in to a variable. I think it would look something like this:

UInt8 a, b, c;
UInt16 d;
UInt32 e;

a = Buffer[0];
b = Buffer[1];
c = Buffer[2];
d = BitConverter.ToInt16(Buffer, 3);
e = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, 5);

…or something like that. I found this code in something new I am working on. It makes sense, but I wondered why some bytes were being copied directly (a, b and c) and others went through BitConverter. Does BitConverter not have a byte copy?

I checked the BitConverter page and saw there was no ToUInt8 method, but there was a ToChar method. In C, “char” is signed, representing -127 to 128. If we wanted a byte, we’d really want an “unsigned char” (0-255), and I did not see a ToUChar method. Was that why the author did not use it?

Here’s where I learned something new…

The description of ToChar says it “Returns a Unicode character converted from two bytes“.

Two bytes? Unicode can represent more characters than normal 8-bit ASCII, so it looks like a C# char is not the same as a C char. Indeed, checking the Char page confirms it is a 16-bit value.

I’m glad I read the fine manual before trying to “fix” this code like this:

Char a, b, c;
UInt16 d;
UInt32 e;

// The ToChar will not work as intended!
a = BitConverter.ToChar(Buffer, 0); //Buffer[0];
b = BitConverter.ToChar(Buffer, 1); //Buffer[1];
c = BitConverter.ToChar(Buffer, 2); //Buffer[2];
d = BitConverter.ToInt16(Buffer, 3);
e = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, 5);

For a C programmer experimenting in C# code, that might look fine, but had I just tried it without reading the manual first, I’d have been puzzled why it was not copying the values I expected from the buffer.

Making assumptions about languages, even simple things like a data type “char”, can cause problems.

Thank you, manual.

Researching 8-bit floating point.

Recently, I ran in to a situation where a floating point value (represent current) was being converted to a byte value before being sent off in a status message. Thus, any calculations on the other side were being done with whole values (1, 2, 42, etc.). I was asked if the precision could be increased (adding a decimal place) and realized “you can’t get there from here.”

This made me wonder how much could be done with an 8-bit floating point representation. A quick web search led me to this article:

I also found a few others discussion other methods of representing a floating point value with only 8-bits.

Now I kinda want to code up such a routine in C and do some tests to see if it would be better than our round-to-whole-number approach.

Has anyone reading this already done this? I think it would be a fun way to learn more about how floating point representation (sign, mantissa, exponent) works.

But it doesn’t seem very useful.

C, printf, and pointers.

I learned a new C thing today.

But first, an old C thing.

When you write “standard C” and want to print a value using printf, you are at the mercy of standard C data types. For example, “%d” is a “Signed decimal integer” and “%u” is an “Unsigned decimal integer.”

There apparently mean the data types “int” and “unsigned int”.

int x;
printf ("x is %d\n", x);

unsinged int y;
printf ("y is %u\n", y);

At my day job, I am using a PIC24 processor, which is a 16-bit chip and is Harvard Architecture, similar to an Arduino UNO processor. When I try to write generic code on a PC using GCC (64-bit compiler), I run in to things like this:

char *ptr = 0x1234;
printf ("ptr is 0x%x\n", ptr);

%x expects an “Unsigned decimal value”. ptr is NOT a “Unsigned decimal value” that %x expects, so it will give a warning like:

warning: initialization of 'char *' from 'int' makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]

warning: format '%x' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'char *' [-Wformat=]

This seems like a reasonable warning. In the past, I’ve cast the pointer to an unsigned int like this:

char *ptr = 0x1234;
printf ("ptr is 0x%x\n", (unsigned int)ptr);

A 16-bit compiler may be just fine with this, but it would generate warnings on a 32 or 64-bit compiler because the “int” is a “long” or “long long” to them. Thus, different casting is needed.

That makes code non-portable, because printing a long int (“%lu”) expects different things on different architectures. In other words, I can cast my code to compile cleanly on the 16-bit system, but then I get warnings on the 64-bit system. Or vise versa.

…but that’s not what this post is about. Instead, it’s about why I was casting in the first place — to print pointers.

I was unaware that a “%p” had been added specifically for printing pointers. Unfortunately, it was not supported in the 16-bit PIC compiler I am using, so that won’t work.


Instead, I found a stack overflow post that introduced me to “inttypes.h” and uintptr_t. I was unaware of this and see the casting lets me do something like this:

printf ("Dump (0x%x, %u)\r\n", (uintptr_t)ptr, size);

This will cast the pointer to an unsigned integer value which can then be printed!

On some systems.

There’s still the problem with a %u expecting an “int” but the value might be a “long int” (if it’s a 32-bit or 64-bit pointer).


It looks like someone thought of this, and my original “non portable printf” casting issue.

I see this file also contains #defines for various printf outputting types such as PRIXPTR, PRIX, PRIU8, and lowercase versions where it makes sense like PRIxPTR. These turn in to quoted strings like “d” or “X” or whatever. Meaning, you could use them to get the output type that matches what you want on the compiler you are using, rather than hard-coding %d.

uint32_t x = 42;
printf ("This is my value: %" PRIu32 "\n", x);

Above, PRIu32 turns in to the appropriate %u for printing a 32-bit value. This might be %u on one system, or %lu on another (depending on the size of “int” on the architecture).


That lets me printfs be portable, IF the compiler supports these defines.

…as long as your compiler supports it, that is.

Fortunately, my PIC compiler does, so from now on I’ll stop hard-coding %x when printing pointers, and using those defines when printing stdint types like uint32_t:

void Dump(void *ptr, unsigned int size)
     printf ("Dump (0x%"PRIXPTR", %u)\r\n", (uintptr_t)ptr, size);

At least, I think I will.

Until next time…

warning: comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe [-Wfloat-equal] – Part 2

Previously, I started discussing C compiler warnings, with specific intent to discuss this one:

warning: comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe [-Wfloat-equal]

I presented a simple question — what would this print?

int main()
    float var1;

    var1 = 902.1;

    if (var1 == 902.1)
        printf ("it is!\n");
        printf ("it is NOT.\n");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

On my Windows 10 computer running GCC (via the free Code:Blocks editor), I get see “it is NOT.” This goes back to an earlier article I wrote about how 902.1 cannot be represented with a 32-bit floating point. In that article, I tested setting a “float” and a “double” to 902.1 and printed the results:

float 902.1 = 902.099976
double 902.1 = 902.100000

As you can see, a 64-bit double precision floating point value can accurately display 902.1, while a 32-bit floating point cannot. The key here is that in C a floating point number defaults to being double precision, so when you say:

var = 123.456;

…you are assigning 123.456 (a double) to var (a float).

float var1;

var1 = 902.1;

var1 (a float) was being assigned 902.1 (a double) and being truncated. There is a potential loss of precision that a compiler warning could tell you about.

If, with warnings enabled, comparing a floating point using == (equal) or != (not equal) is considered “unsafe,” how do we make it safe?

To be continued…