Hacking Home Depot Lethal Lily animatronic – part 3

See Also: intro, part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4. (Github project.)

So far, I have figured out that the Lethal Lily Control Box sends out serial bytes at around 550 baud (on the green wire), with a byte sent at the start of a sequence, and a different byte sent at the end.

In between these two serial bytes, a second (blue) wire is pulsing at different rates. This looks like PWM pulses to control the position of servos. (Me from the future: It is not…) The question is … how does one stream of dozens of pulses end up at the different servos in the head? (Me from the future: It does not…)

To figure that out, it’s time to experiment — and hopefully not destroy the servos in the head at the process! (Many devices have no protection so you can tell the servo to go so far it breaks the mechanism. Without knowing how the internals of the head operate, I risk ruining this thing if I send it the wrong kind of pulse.)

Instead of just trying to send pulses and see what happens, I decided I might like to capture the pulses that come from the Control Box, and try to recreate them on the Arduino and see if I get the same result.

5.9V Warning

The power supply used by the Control Board is 5.9V. The Arduino UNO I/O pins are 5V pins, so connecting higher voltage to them may cause damage. I decided to enable the Analog channel in my Saleae Logic Analyzer capture and see what voltage is coming out of the blue wire.

This tells me that the pulses are 5.4V — a bit lower than the 5.9V power supply, but still beyond the voltage that should go in to an I/O pin.

I consulted ChatGPT to ask how I could drop the voltage down to sub-5V for the Arduino.

I know these A.I. tools can spew bad information, but if this is correct, I should be able to use two resistors and drop the power down to a safe level for the Arduino to read.

Here is a rough look at how I tried to wire that up.

Arduino voltage divider to take 5.4V down to below 5V.

Hardware folks, quit laughing. This is complicated for a software guy ;-)

I use PIN 2 for reasons I will explain in just a moment.

I did skip some of the steps it took me to get here. Initially, ChatGPT gave me different resistor values. I did not have resistors of the proper values available, and since Radio Shack doesn’t exist anymore, I asked if there were ways to do it with other values. It made a table for me, and I was able to use two resistors I had on-hand. The A.I. was quite helpful in showing options until I got one that worked for what I had.

Counting Pulses

By asking ChatGPT, I was able to make some super simple code that could count how many pulses were coming from the Control Box. But, I wanted to do more than that. I wanted to know how long each pulse was on, and off in between. To do this, I needed to record the time when the pulse changed state (off to on, or on to off) and then later I could do math on those values to figure out how long each pulse was on or off.

If my program were doing nothing but this, I might be able to brute-force it by just reading the pin in a loop. If it changed state (low to high, or high to low), get the current time. If there was a previous time (previous change), print how long it’s been since the last change.

#define BLUE_WIRE_PIN   2   // Pulses IN

void setup() {
    while (!Serial);

    pinMode(BLUE_WIRE_PIN, INPUT);

    Serial.println ("Running...");

void loop() {
  unsigned long time = 0;
  static unsigned long s_prevTime = 0;

  int pinStatus = 0;
  static int s_lastPinStatus = -1;

  pinStatus = digitalRead (BLUE_WIRE_PIN);

  if (pinStatus != s_lastPinStatus)
    // Pin changed. Record the time.
    time = millis();

    if (s_prevTime != 0)
      // Print how much time since last change.
      Serial.println (time - s_prevTime);

    s_prevTime = time;
    s_lastPinStatus = pinStatus;

When I run this, then trigger the device, I see a series of numbers print out representing the pulse (on or off) times.

I found that if you switch the Control Box to “OFF – TRY ME” and then back to “SENSOR“, it will reset to pattern 1. I did this so I could capture the pulses for pattern 1.

But, when I compare these times with the times of the pulses seen by the Saleae, they are very different. For example, the first on pulse reported by the Arduino script is 108 ms, but the Saleae thinks it is 145ms.

This is caused by the pulse signal having some decay after it turns “off”. Rather than being a sharp ON/OFF square pulse, it stays on, then slopes down at the end. The Saleae detects the “end” at a different point in this slope than the Arduino does.

You can see there is about a 35ms delay from the time the signal starts sloping off until the Saleae sees it as “off”. The Arduino sees “off” pretty much right when the signal starts to drop. (108 ms detected by Arduino plus 35 ms is 143 ms, very close to what the Arduino is calculating). I suspect if this is important to the head, we can easily compensate in software by adding to the values the Arduino calculates.

But we’re not there yet.

Suffice it to say, it does seem easy to capture the pulses and record how long each is, which would allow us to play them back to the head later, with the Arduino generating the same pulse sequence that the Control Box did.

Using Arduino Interrupts

When I first did this test, I thought the reason I was getting different numbers was caused by the code doing other things before it got back to check the pin. The pin cand change while the code was elsewhere in the loop, and by the time we get back to read the pin, it’s a bit later than when the change actually occurred.

To compensate for this, I learned how to use Arduino Interrupts. Some pins can generate an interrupt when they change, and you can configure Arduino to run a routine any time this change happens. On the Arduino UNO, only pins 2 and 3 can generate interrupts. This is why I chose PIN 2 for my example.

I updated my example to use an interrupt service routine (ISR) instead of manually polling the pin:

#define BLUE_WIRE_PIN   2   // Pulses IN

void setup() {
    while (!Serial);

    pinMode(BLUE_WIRE_PIN, INPUT);
    attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BLUE_WIRE_PIN), pinChangedISR, CHANGE);

    Serial.println ("Running...");

void loop() {

// This will be called any time the pin changes state.
void pinChangedISR()
    unsigned long time = 0;
    static unsigned long s_prevTime = 0;
    // Pin changed. Record the time.
    time = millis();

    if (s_prevTime != 0)
      // Print how much time since last change.
      Serial.println (time - s_prevTime);

    s_prevTime = time;

In this version, the main loop() is now empty. All the work is being done inside the ISR. This is normally not how you would use an interrupt since, while processing the code inside the ISR, any more interrupts may be missed. The ISR code needs to be as small and quick as possible. It works for this example because the timing of the pulses is quite slow (pulses lasting many milliseconds) but this is still not a good example of an ISR.

When I run this, I see similar numbers. This tells me the difference in Arduino vs Saleae values was not the code being too slow. I also saw some 0 values. This told me the Arduino might be seeing glitches on the line that were not full pulses. Some “debounce” code could be added to fix this, but that’s outside the scope of this quick test.

During this test, I also learned that the millis() (millisecond time) counter on the UNO incrementis at a value of 1.2 each time, then would jump ahead every so often to catch up. This might explain some of the drift in numbers I see when re-running this. To make the timing more accurate, I will switch to using micros() (microseconds) which will be as precise of timing available on the Arduino. More on that later…

Now that I have a basic understanding of how I can read the green wire serial data, and the blue wire pulse data, I came up with a test program that displays both. Here is my LethalLilyReader test program that displays the serial bytes, then the pulse information, for each pattern as it is triggered. The pulse data is collected in the ISR, but not printed until the pattern is done, which makes the interrupt service routine smaller and faster.

I also made it count the number of pulses and display that, so I could further compare what the Arduino sees to the Saleae.

And as a final feature, I fudge the timing numbers to compensate for the sloping voltage delay the Control Box sends at the end of a pulse. This is not perfect, but it gets the numbers pretty close to how Saleae sees them.

Here is the full program (but check my Github for any changes since this article was posted):

// LethalLilyReader.ino
 Lethal Lily Swamp Witch animatronic Control Box reader.
 By Allen C. Huffman (alsplace@pobox.com)
 This program reads the data come from the Lethal Lily Control Box over a
 serial and digital input.
 1. Define the pins on the Arduino that will be used for RX in
 .  the Software Serial library (connected to the green wire), and the pulse
 .  counting pin (connected to the blue wire with 10K/100K resistors to drop
 .  the voltage from 5.4V down to below 5V).
 2024-06-12 0.00 allenh - Created basic serial (green wire) reader.
 2014-06-13 0.01 allenh - Adding pulse (blue wire) support.
 * Capture data and then playback to the head.
 * TODO...


[0xE1 - 11100001] PLAYING #1 ... [0x78 - 1111000] STOPPED.
Pulses: 65
[0xD2 - 11010010] PLAYING #2 ... [0x78 - 1111000] STOPPED.
Pulses: 71
[0xC3 - 11000011] PLAYING #3 ... [0x78 - 1111000] STOPPED.
Pulses: 59
[0xB4 - 10110100] PLAYING #4 ... [0x78 - 1111000] STOPPED.
Pulses: 68
[0xA5 - 10100101] PLAYING #5 ... [0x78 - 1111000] STOPPED.
Pulses: 75
[0x96 - 10010110] PLAYING #6 ... [0x78 - 1111000] STOPPED.
Pulses: 74
[0x87 - 10000111] PLAYING #7 ... [0x78 - 1111000] STOPPED.
Pulses: 57
[0xE1 - 11100001] PLAYING #1 ... [0x78 - 1111000] STOPPED.
Pulses: 65

// Configuration
#define BAUD_RATE       550
#define GREEN_WIRE_PIN  12  // Serial RX
#define BLUE_WIRE_PIN   2   // Pulses IN

// Includes
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// RX pin connected to GREEN wire.
// TX pin not used.
SoftwareSerial mySerial(GREEN_WIRE_PIN, 3); // RX, TX

// Globals
volatile unsigned int g_pulseCount = 0;
volatile unsigned long g_pulseTime[200] = { 0 };

// Setup
void setup() {
    // Arduino console port.
    while (!Serial);

    // Control Box serial baud rate.

    pinMode(BLUE_WIRE_PIN, INPUT);
    attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BLUE_WIRE_PIN), countPulseISR, CHANGE);

    for (int idx=0; idx<10; idx++) Serial.println();
    Serial.println("LethalLillyReader - "__DATE__" "__TIME__);

// Main loop
void loop()
    static bool isPlaying = false;
    unsigned char ch;

    while (mySerial.available())
        // Read byte from Control Box.
        ch = mySerial.read();

        // Display byte received as hex and binary.
        Serial.print ("[0x");
        Serial.print (ch, HEX);
        Serial.print (" - ");
        Serial.print (ch, BIN);
        Serial.print ("] ");

        // Byte will have the sequence number (1-7) as the right four bits,
        // and the inverse of those bits as the left four bits. At the end
        // of the sequence, a value of 8 is sent the same way.
        //              Hex Binary
        //              --  ---- ----
        // Sequence 1 - E1  1110 0001 (1)
        // Sequence 2 - D2  1101 0010 (2)
        // Sequence 3 - C3  1100 0011 (3)
        // Sequence 4 - B4  1011 0100 (4)
        // Sequence 5 - A5  1010 0101 (5)
        // Sequence 6 - 96  1001 0110 (6)
        // Sequence 7 - E1  1000 0111 (7)
        // End of Seq - 78  0001 1000 (8)

        // Validate. Left nibble AND with right nibble should be zero.
        if ( ((ch & 0xf0 >> 8) & (ch & 0x0f)) != 0)
            // If not, bad byte received.
            Serial.println ("INVALID.");
        else // Good byte received.
            // Check for end of sequence (8).
            if ((ch & 0x0f) == 8)
                Serial.println ("STOPPED.");

                if (isPlaying == true)
                    Serial.print ("Pulses: ");
                    Serial.println (g_pulseCount);

                    isPlaying = false;

                    // Calculate pulse durations.
                    calculatePulseDurations ();
                g_pulseCount = 0;

                Serial.print ("PLAYING #");
                Serial.print (ch & 0x0f);
                Serial.print (" ... ");

                isPlaying = true;
    } // end of while (mySerial.available())
} // end of loop()

// Calculate duration of each pulse.
// NOTE: The pulse times do not shut off immediately. There is about a 34ms
// decay time at the end of each pulse, which makes the Arduino values be
// much shorter than what the Saleae is seeing. I currently do not know how
// this impacts the signal seen by the head, but I will do some testing.
// Adding 37ms to the Arduino calculated "on" time, and subtracting 35ms
// from the "off" time, makes the values much closer.
void calculatePulseDurations ()
    for (int idx=0; idx<g_pulseCount-1; idx++)
        unsigned long pulseTime = (g_pulseTime[idx+1] - g_pulseTime[idx]); 
        //Serial.print ("(");
        //Serial.print (pulseTime);
        //Serial.print (")");
        // Fudge factors to make it match the values that the Saleae
        // logic analyzer calculates.
        if (idx & 1) // Off time
            pulseTime = pulseTime - 35000; // 35.46206 average
        else // On time
            pulseTime = pulseTime + 37000; // 37.0141 average
        //Serial.print ((float)pulseTime/1000); // millis
        Serial.print (pulseTime); // micros
        Serial.print (",");
    Serial.println ();

// Pulse counter ISR.
void countPulseISR()
    // Store micros time when the pulse changed.
    if (g_pulseCount < (sizeof(g_pulseTime)/sizeof(g_pulseTime[0])))
        g_pulseTime[g_pulseCount] = micros();


// End of LethalLilyReader.ino

Now that I can capture the serial and pulse data, I should be able to recreate it in the Arduino and write it out to the head, eliminating the Control Box (though without sound, since the Ardunio has no sound hardware).

More to come…

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